The Message of the Sacred-Heart of Jesus to Sister Consolata

The Message of the Sacred-Heart of Jesus

to Sister Consolata

  A Sermon Given in Avrillé,

  and Published in “Le Sel de la Terre” 74, Autumn 2010

We would like to take advantage of this month of June, dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, by saying a few words about the message of the Sacred Heart to Sister Consolata.

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Public and Private Revelations

Let us make clear here at the outset that we will be speaking about what are called “private revelations,” and that these should not be confused with public Revelation.

Public Revelation is the Revelation given by God to the prophets of the Old Testament, and by Our Lord Jesus Christ – and the Holy Ghost after Pentecost – to the Apostles in the New Testament. The Church’s mission is to transmit infallibly, and to offer to our faith, this public Revelation that we must believe in order to be saved. This public Revelation ended with the death of the last Apostle, St. John.

But God, who governs the world, reserves for Himself the right to intervene in the course of human history to help men to save themselves.

Private revelations are revelations given by God, by the Lord Jesus, by Our Lady, or even by saints. These revelations are given to private persons, whether for their own salvation or the aiding their own souls, or for a certain part of the Church, or even for the entire Church. Such revelations add nothing to the deposit of Faith.

Before reading books about private revelations or apparitions, we should read works on doctrine that explain public Revelation and strengthen our faith. It is faith that gives charity its purpose. If our faith is weak, the works of mystics risk giving us an appearance of charity that in reality will be only sentimentalism.

Of course, we must be careful about private revelations, especially today when false mystics and false apparitions are plentiful.

The revelations of the Sacred Heart to Sister Consolata have all the guarantees of authenticity: they have been approved by the local Church authorities, and several bishops have also attached indulgences to the invocation taught to Consolata by Our Lord.

Sister Consolata Betrone

Piérina Betrone – who would become Sister Consolata – was born in 1903 in Saluzzo, Italy. She was called home to God in 1946 at the age of 43, after only 17 years in religious life.

Wanting to devote herself since her youth, she first entered the Daughters of Mary, Help of Christians, founded by St. John Bosco in Turin for the education of young girls. Various interior trials, however, prevented her from remaining; and Providence then oversaw her entrance at the age of 26 into the Poor Clares – cloistered sisters dedicated to a very penitential life.

Nothing seemed more opposed to the active temperament of Piérina: “Nothing attracted me about the capuchin sisters,” she wrote. “The renouncement is complete.” But Our Lord only hid His servant so that He could give her a global apostolic influence, somewhat as with St. Therese of the Child Jesus. In fact, Sister Consolata considered herself as a spiritual daughter of St Therese.

The Message of Jesus to the World

Essential Highlights of the Message

Mercy and Confidence

The message that Our Lord wants to transmit to the world through Sister Consolata as His intermediary is, above all, a message of mercy and confidence, as with all manifestations of the Sacred Heart:

The devil has promised himself the destruction of the world,” said our Lord, “and I, its salvation. I will save it by the triumph of My mercy and My love. Yes, I will save the world in My merciful Love.”

But during the era when the Sacred Heart manifested Himself to Sister Consolata, there was an economic crisis and then World War II – which made it seem that Our Lord was proving His justice rather than His mercy. But this was not so.

What Our Lord said concerning the global economic crisis that started in 1929 also applies today, and especially if the crisis intensifies:

The current misery that reigns in the world is not the work of My justice, but of My Mercy. A certain lack of money prevents many faults, and in the economic restrictions numerous are the prayers that rise up to Heaven. Do not think that I am insensitive to the sorrows of the earth. I love souls and I want to save them. For this purpose I use rigor, but believe Me, it is out of pure Mercy. In abundance, souls forget Me and are lost, whereas in times of misery they turn toward Me and are saved.”

Regarding the war (World War II), Our Lord told Sister Consolata in December, 1940:

– “Take heed, if I grant peace today, the world will return to its mire.”

– “But, Lord,” replied Consolata, “so many youths are being slaughtered!”

– “The greatest part of these young soldiers, remaining at home, will stagnate in vice,” responded Our Lord. “But on the battlefield, to the contrary and far from the occasions of sin, they will die with the help of their chaplain and will be saved. Two or three years of cruel and intense sufferings, crowned by an eternity of joy, is this not preferable to an entire life of sin that will finish in eternal damnation? How many young people will thank God in eternity for dying in this war that has saved them forever? The just (who suffer in the war) will see their merits increase.”

At all times, the sinner must never despair of being pardoned. Our Lord told Sister Consolata the following – and this must be applied to all souls, even the greatest of sinners:

Your miseries have a limit, but My Heart does not. If it happens that you commit a fault, do not allow yourself to sink into sadness, but come immediately and cast it into My Heart, while renewing in great calm your resolution to practice the opposite virtue. Thus, each of your faults will be as a step forward.”

Of course, this does not dispense from the obligation of confession, at least for mortal sins.

The Mercy of Our Lord for His creatures calls for a return of confidence without limits. On August 14, 1934, Sister Consolata would even make a vow of confidence written out on paper in her own blood:

Starting today and until my death, I want never to open the door, oh Jesus, to any thought of discouragement or defiance.”

Jesus replied: “If you had placed your confidence in yourself alone, or if you had only relied on one of my creatures to reach the summits, you would have taken only ‘turtle steps.’ But since you put your trust in Jesus, you will be relying on His Omnipotence. I will thus accomplish marvels and we (together) will take the steps of a giant.”

Honor God by your confidence,” Jesus would repeat often.

Consolata, in the heart of the Church, you will be confidence.”

Even Judas would have been saved if he had had confidence. His greatest sin was not having had confidence in the infinite Mercy of the Heart of Jesus.

The Call to Love

If the first part of the message of the Sacred Heart to Sister Consolata is a message of Mercy and confidence, the second part is a message of Love, and more precisely it is a call to love along the lines of the revelations of the Sacred Heart at Paray-le-Monial (i.e., to St. Margaret Mary.)

Our Lord came to light the fire of charity on earth. In exchange for the Love that He has shown for us, especially by dying on the Cross for us, He asks for a reciprocity of love. But as love is continuing to diminish in the world, Our Lord, through His servant St. Margaret Mary, came to ask of those who still loved Him, a compensation of love to make reparation for the coldness of men toward Him, and thus giving love to Him for those who do not love Him and obtaining their conversion. This was the purpose of the First Friday Communions of Reparation and the holy hour of adoration on the preceding (Thursday) evenings.

Our Lord had also asked the king of France – Louis XIV at the time – to consecrate himself and France to the Sacred Heart. This would have led to an immense surge in devotion to the Sacred Heart among his people – and from there it would have spread to the entire world, considering the great influence that France had at that time. But alas, the French kings did not heed the requests because they did not understand that this earth is a battlefield between the faithful people of Jesus and Mary on one side, and the devil and his adepts on the other. And that if in this battle we do not rely on divine powers, we cannot resist the diabolical and superhuman powers that unceasingly wage war against the Church and Christianity. Having preferred to organize politics according to their human ways, they left the field wide open for the devil and his henchmen to destroy the entire Christian social order: such was the French Revolution.

Ever since the Revolution (1789), as the world has accelerated towards its destruction, Our Lord’s pleas have become more urgent: He tried without success to have France consecrated to the Sacred Heart by Louis XVIII in order to save the Restoration; then it was the revelation of the scapular of the Sacred Heart to Estelle Faguette (a Dominican tertiary) at Pellevoisin; then there were manifestations of the Sacred Heart to a mother of a family, Madame Royer, and also to Claire Ferchaud of Loublande; then to sister Josefa Menendez at Poitiers. And we must not forget the vision at Tuy, Spain where Sister Lucia of Fatima saw the word Mercy that was written in fiery letters under one of the crucified arms of Our Lord.

To make a counterbalance to the sins of the world, and to allow mercy and pardon to flow down to souls, Our Lord had asked one very simple thing from sister Josefa Menendez: to multiply acts of love through all the actions of our everyday lives:

I want you to give me souls. For this, I ask nothing more than love for Me in all your actions. Do everything out of love, suffer out of love, and above all give yourself to my divine Love.”

Charity, indeed, is given to us by God so that we exercise it.

St. Thomas Aquinas tells us: “Charity consists more in loving than in being loved.”

Thus, the first object of charity is God before our neighbor. To exercise charity we must, above all, make interior acts of the love of God.

We must make clear here, however, that this does not necessarily mean sensible acts; charity is not found in the senses but in the will. The acts of love of which we are speaking are interior actions through which we tell our Lord of our union with His will, even in the middle of the greatest dryness and aridity of the senses.

A Formula

With Sister Consolata, Our Lord added something very specific: he taught an invocation – a formula – that would tell God of our love. This formula is the following: “Jesus, Mary, I love you. Save souls.”

This is an easy formula to observe, and which can be used by all age groups, and in all conditions of life and even health.

And above all, when it is said with all one’s heart (and not in a mechanical manner of course) this formula is a perfect act of love as it contains the love of Our Lord, Our Lady and souls. It is the most perfect summary of our catholic religion.

Our Lord is indicating here a very simple spiritual path to transform our individual lives into acts of supernatural love, while helping us offer through this love all of our everyday actions and all the events of our lives.

Of course, it is not necessary to pronounce this invocation with our lips. It is sufficient to pray it interiorly.

This practice is certainly not obligatory. Spiritual paths are varied in the Catholic religion, corresponding to the differences in souls. But for those who embrace it, the fruits of this devotion are numerous.

Fruits of this Practice:

If we say often “Jesus, Mary, I love you. Save souls” this will first of all dispose our souls to receive new infusions of charity that will increase our love of God and neighbor. Then we will live in an entire abandonment to Providence and a total availability to our neighbor.

One ‘yes’ to everything out of gratitude and appreciation; and one ‘yes’ to everyone with a smile, seeing and treating Jesus in everyone,” says Father Lorenzo Sales 1.

To say often “Jesus, Mary, I love you. Save souls” is also an apostolic formula that obtains fruits for all souls, said Our Lord: “souls in purgatory, as well as those in the Church militant; guilty souls as well as the innocent ones; those dying, and those who are atheists, etc.” Our Lord revealed to Sister Consolata that by her acts of love, she would harvest an immense number of souls.

As “the smallest act of pure love has more value in the eyes of God, and is more useful to the Church…than all exterior works [without this pure love] put together,” as St. John of the Cross said, so these acts of love also form a great power against the enemies of the Church and Christianity. This young Poor Clare, Consolata, deep in her convent in Italy, even played a decisive role in the victory of the Catholic Spaniards over communism in 1936. To Sister Consolata, who prayed for this intention, Our Lord said:

Yes, I will give to you the victory over communism in Spain. But you, do everything possible to give Me the unceasing act of love. The victory over communism in Spain will say to the world how much Jesus concedes to the unceasing act of love.”

This must encourage us today. With little exterior means – and in fact we have hardly any – we can do a lot to counteract the current assaults of Satan against the Church and Christianity.

Lastly, when facing a task to accomplish, or before trials and crosses of every sort, if we say, “Jesus, Mary, I love you. Save souls,” this will allow us to respond “yes” to all the requests for sacrifice that Jesus makes of us, and it will permit us to endure our sufferings by offering them in love.

Answer to an objection, and conclusion

One will perhaps object that it is not so easy to think of saying this formula throughout the day. Father Lorenzo Sales gives an enlightening and inspiring response:

A dozen acts of love during the day -– which is within everyone’s reach -– accumulate in an impressive way over the course of a month and a year. And as the habit grows, the numbers will increase, and union with Our Lord will be ever deepened.”

There will thus form, in all parts of the world, a continuous wave of love that ascends toward Heaven so as to come back down to earth in a torrent of mercy and pardon 2.”


Whether or not we embrace this practice, let us take advantage in any case of this month of the Sacred Heart by rekindling our love for Our Lord and Our Lady, as well as our zeal for the salvation of souls.

Sermon by a Dominican Father of Avrillé

Translation by Mrs F.

From: “Le Sel de la Terre,” Number 74, Autumn 2010.

1 – Father Lorenzo Sales, biographer of sister Consolata, in La toute petite voie d’amour, Message abrégé du CÅ“ur de Jésus à soeur Consolata Betrone, Sherbrooke (Québec), Editions Saint-Raphaël, 1995, p. 50. The biography of sister Consolata by Fr Lorenzo Sales, is called: SÅ“ur Consolata Betrone, Mulhouse, Salvator, 1963; edited again by Résiac.

2 – Father Lorenzo Sales, Jésus parle au monde, Fribourg (Switzerland), Éditions Saint-Canisius, 1957, p. 185-186.

Personal Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus


Imprimatur of Bp J.C. Chamont Auxiliary Bishop of Montreal

November 16, 1940

1. Importance of the Devotion to the Sacred Heart

Three Classes of Souls

Rest a little, Christian soul, from the bustle of life, and give ear to the words of love which the Heart of Jesus speaks to you, that God of love and mercy whose only care is for your good.

Tell Me, are you happy? Are you contented? Is your heart at peace? Do you enjoy the unruffled depths of ocean?

Perhaps you are to be numbered among those unhappy souls who weep because at every step they take they find themselves in sin: who, like doves with their wings clogged with mud, fail to soar up to the clear blue sky. Or perhaps you are making your way but slowly along the steep and narrow path of virtue, weighed down by cold torpor or that wasting disease of the spirit called tepidity. Or perhaps you are one of those who are neither sinners nor tepid, but whose downcast features reflect discouragement within because, like eagles with clipped wings, they spend their whole life rising into the air only to fall back to earth discouraged, or, like travelers journeying along a boundless stretch of shifting sands, they lose heart at the sight of such little progress achieved after so many years of weary travel. What compassion I have for all these poor souls! And how many indeed they are!

A Great Remedy

But just listen now to those consoling words I have confided to My most intimate friends. For I desire them to be, as it were, silvered conduits or electric cables carrying the grace and light of My loving Heart out to the world.

The treasures of grace and blessings which this Sacred Heart contains are infinite. I do not know of any devotion in the spiritual life better suited to raise a soul in a short time to the highest perfection and to make it taste the real sweetness to be found in the service of Jesus Christ 1.”

I do not know, my dear child, if you understand the meaning of devotion to the Sacred

Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ, of which I speak to you. It produces fruit and a great change in all those who consecrate themselves to it and practice it with fervor 2.”

By means of this devotion to the Sacred Heart, people in the world will find all the helps necessary to their state of life, peace in their families, relief in their labors, the blessing of heaven on all their undertakings, consolation in their troubles; and it is precisely in this Sacred Heart that they will find a haven of refuge during their whole life and particularly at the hour of death.

“How sweet it is to die after having had a tender and constant devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus! 3

“See to it, above all, that religious embrace this devotion, for they will derive from it such help that no other means will be necessary to reestablish primitive fervor and the most exact observance in the least observant communities, and to raise to the summit of perfection those communities which live in the most perfect observance 4.”

One Friday, during Holy Communion, He spoke these words to His unworthy servant, if she is not mistaken: ‘I promise thee in the excessive mercy of My Heart that its all-powerful love will grant to all those who go to Communion on the First Fridays of nine consecutive months the grace of final repentance; they shall not die in its disfavor nor without receiving their sacraments, My Divine Heart being their assured refuge at that last moment’ 5.

Our glorious protector, St. Michael, accompanied by a countless host of angelic spirits, assured me anew that the cause of the Sacred Heart was entrusted to him as one of the most important enterprises for the glory of God and the utility of the Church that has ever taken place in the world during the whole course of the centuries. This mystery hidden for centuries, this sacrament manifested anew to the world, this design from all eternity in favor of all people, now revealed to the Church, is, so to speak, one of those which arrest the attention of God, ever careful for our good and the glory of the Savior6.”

I seem to see interiorly that light, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, that adorable sun which sheds down its rays on earth sparingly at first, then in greater abundance, and finally illuminating with them the whole earth. And He said to me: ‘By the splendor of this light peoples and nations will be illuminated, and by its heat they will be made warm.’ 7

Tell me now, My child, if, after having read these lines, you do not feel the persuasion coming over you that devotion to the Sacred Heart is something really extraordinary in the world. Yes, it is, indeed, and if you still have any lingering doubts, then make a careful study of the question for yourself and you will soon gain conviction. It is this personal conviction I desire in all My faithful, most of all in My priests and religious: not that they should believe just because they have heard of it, but rather that they should discover it from personal experience. By this means alone will they become convinced, and only they who are convinced will do great things. If only you were one of these, convinced through and through of the power and greatness of My Heart!

Two Kinds of Devotion

My most precious gems lie hidden at the bottom of the coffer, because there are many who have not yet noticed them. This divine devotion is like a vein of gold running through the field of the Church. Those layers of the ground which are usually exploited lie on the surface and can thus be easily discovered and turned to advantage. For example, who is unaware of the value of Holy Communion on the First Fridays of the month, or the value of the consecration of the family to the Sacred Heart of Jesus? Or who has not from time to time assisted at some feast in My honor? Or who has not become a member of some confraternity and performed its simple devotional exercises? All these are like travelers who pass over a vein of gold, stir up the earth a little, gather a few grains of the precious metal, and then continue on their way. It is only the few who set themselves to delve deeply into the mine; only the few become miners by profession.

2. Consecration

CONSECRATION is the fundamental practice of devotion to My Sacred Heart. How often, though, it becomes a mere matter of routine! Many pious souls make their consecration every day, reciting it from their prayer books and yet, when all is said and done, they are not really consecrated; they do not make the consecration, but merely recite it; they are reciters of consecrations.

Listen, then, and I shall tell you in what the full consecration consists, as I have explained it Myself to My most intimate friends, and as they have taught it in their writings and confirmed it by their example.

a) A Pact

The consecration can be reduced to a pact, in the sense in which I proposed it to My first apostle in Spain, Bernardo de Hoyos, and previously in similar terms to St. Margaret Mary: “Take care of My honor and My interests, and My Heart will make this pact with you, too.” As absolute Lord I could indeed demand this without submitting to any conditions; but I prefer to make a friendly bargain with My children.

Will you not then conclude this pact with Me? Have no fear lest you may be the loser by it. I am so kind and beneficent in My dealings with creatures that one would think I was a dupe. Moreover, it is not a pact which will bind you under sin of any sort, for I do not like obligations which stifle!

I want love, peace and generosity not fear or anguish of conscience.

The pact contains two clauses, one binding Me, the other binding you. My part is to care for you and your interests, and your part is to care for Me and Mine. Is that not a beautiful pact?

b) First Part of the Consecration

Let us begin with My part. I shall take care of you and your interests. For that, it is necessary for you to leave absolutely everything in the hands of My Divine Providence: your soul, your body, your life, your health, your family, your business, and in a word — everything. I wish to arrange all that concerns you according to My good pleasure, and for that I require a free hand. So, too, you must hand over to Me all the keys of your house, that I may come in and go out at will.

You must not be keeping an eye on Me and what I do, nor demand any account from Me, even though you may not perceive the reason for My actions in your affairs, and yes, even though at times this may seem to be to your detriment. If at times you may have to grope your way blindly on, then you will have the consolation of knowing that you are in safe hands.

When you hand everything over to My keeping, you must not want to have everything arranged according to your wishes; that would be imposing conditions on Me and seeking your own interests; but rather I must arrange everything in a way that seems best to Me as King and Lord. I must have complete liberty of action even though I may foresee that My plans will at times cause you pain.

You see only the present; but I see the future. You see, as it were, through a microscope, while I see through a powerful, long range telescope.

Hence solutions which seem very suitable for the present may turn out quite disastrous in the long run. There will be occasions, too, when I shall deliberately permit the upset of your plans in order to test your faith and trust, and to increase your merit.

I do not mean by all this, however, that you are to surrender yourself to a sort of fatalistic quietism and simply neglect all spiritual affairs. You must take as a fundamental guiding principle those words of the Gospel which read: “When you have done all you have been commanded to do, say, ‘We are useless servants. We have done no more than our duty.'”(Lk. 17:10).

In everything you must make just as much effort as if success depended on you alone, and then say to me with humble trust: “Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, in my weakness I have done all that I can; the rest depends on You. I leave it to Your Providence.” When you have prayed thus, set aside all uneasiness and enjoy the still peace of a lake on a quiet autumn evening.

* What is to be offered up?

As I have just said, you must hand over to Me everything with absolutely no exceptions. Those who make an exception trust Me little.

Your soul

Place your soul in My Hands: your salvation, your degree of glory in Heaven, your progress in virtue, your faults, your passions, your wants, everything. There are persons who are always worried, fearful, and discouraged in the spiritual life. If this is the result of mortal sin, then it is as it should be. The state of mortal sin is indeed so wretched that no matter what the cost you must leave it, for it makes you My enemy. Make a big effort, come hurrying to Me with all speed, and I shall assist you. Go to confession often, every week if possible, for that is an excellent remedy. Moreover, if you have a sincere desire to amend your life, great faults are not an obstacle to consecrating yourself to Me. For the consecration itself will be a capital means of extricating yourself from that state.

There is another class of people who do not sin mortally, but nevertheless are always gloomy and downcast because they feel they are making no spiritual progress. Now, I do not approve of that. In this matter, too, one must do everything possible as far as human weakness allows, and leave the rest in My hands. Heaven is a beautiful garden which must be complete with every variety of plant. Not all can be cypresses or lilies or carnations. There must also be thyme!

Offer yourself then for this place. All this perturbation, those worries and anxieties, in persons who do not sin seriously proceed from their seeing their own honor more than Mine. Virtue and perfection have a double aspect: that of being for your own good, and that of being for Mine. You must strive after them earnestly but peacefully, because they are for My good. For have we not already agreed that you are to surrender all your interests, in so far as they are yours, to Me? For the rest, you must not forget that I shall accomplish the work of your perfection much better than you would yourself.

Your body

I shall also take care of your health and life. These, too, you must entrust to Me. I know what is best for you; you do not. Take the ordinary means to preserve or restore your health. Lay aside all groundless fear and anxiety, and leave the rest to Me. Persuade yourself that it is not doctors or medicine alone that bring a cure for sickness, but it comes to you from My hands.

Your family

Parents, wife and husband, children, brothers and sisters, relatives. There are persons who find no difficulty in offering themselves to Me but who balk at confiding to Me some member of their family for whom they have a special affection. As though I would simply abscond with everything that was entrusted to My Goodness! That is indeed a poor idea to entertain of Me.

These people say sometimes that they have no difficulty themselves in suffering, but that they cannot bear to see their loved ones suffer. They think that consecration to Me and immediate suffering for all those connected with them are one and the same thing. I wonder where they get that idea from? A genuine and sincere consecration has the effect of alleviating the crosses which all must carry in this world.

Temporal goods

Possessions, business, career, occupation, employment, home. I do not require souls who love Me to give up all these things, unless I have called them to the religious life. On the contrary, they must take proper care of them since these goods constitute part of the obligation of their state. I only ask them to hand everything over to Me, to take every reasonable means to ensure success, and to leave the result to Me without worry or anxiety.

Spiritual goods

You know that in every act of virtue you perform in the state of grace, and also in all the prayers which will be offered up for the repose of your soul after death, there is a certain portion which you can renounce in favor of others either living or dead. I want you to make Me a complete gift of this portion to distribute as I wish. I know better than you on which persons the establishment of My Kingdom depends most. I also know those who are in most need of help, and those in whom your merits will produce the best results. Thus I shall be enabled to lay this portion out to better advantage. This free gift of yours does not, of course, prevent you from offering up prayers for certain people as obedience, charity or piety may demand on occasion.

You must surrender to Me with full confidence everything you possess, for Me to dispose of as I wish; and although I do not wish you to make this consecration from motives of self- interest, yet you will find that on the whole your affairs will turn out better, although sometimes indeed I shall test your confidence and permit results to fall short of your expectations. Your concerns will prosper in proportion to the zeal you show in promoting My interests. The more you think of Me, the more will I think of you. The more you occupy yourself with My interests, the more will I occupy Myself with your interests. The greater care you take of My affairs, the greater shall I take of yours. But, My child, do try to be less self-interested. There are persons who think of nothing but themselves: their spiritual world is a planetary system in which they occupy the solar position; and everything else, including My interests, are minor planets circling around them. That is a bad astronomical system in which the ego is the hub of the universe.

c) Second Part of the Consecration

This now brings us to the second part of the consecration: “You will care for My honor and My interests.” That is the most important part for you, because it is, properly speaking, your side of the pact. The preceding was Mine and if I asked you to give Me everything, it was in order to get rid of any obstacle which might hinder the fulfillment of My part. Your side of the pact is the care of My spiritual interests. You must throw yourself, heart and soul, into the task of promoting these so that your zeal may be the gauge of your love.

Do you know what My interests are? I have only one: souls. They are My interests, My treasures, My love. I seek, as I told My servant Margaret, “to establish the Kingdom of My Love in all Hearts,” My Kingdom has not yet come. Externally it has spread to a certain extent among Catholic peoples, but that deep interior Kingdom by which My love and My wishes will be the true law and rule of conduct for souls has, alas, only spread but little in people’s hearts. It is not through lack of soil. Numerous souls are prepared for My Kingdom and their number goes on increasing from day to day. But there is a lack of apostles. Give me a heart magnetized by My Divine Heart and you will see how soon other souls will become magnetized in their turn.

Ways of Apostolate

How easy it is to be My apostle. No sex, no age, no state in life, is excluded. There are many ways of doing the work:


That is, to be constantly petitioning heaven for the spread of My Kingdom, to ask it of My Father, of Myself, of My holy Mother, of My saints; to ask in the church, at home, in the street, during your daily work: “Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy Kingdom come.” That is the aspiration which must be on your lips the whole day long. Repeat it, then, twenty, fifty, a hundred, two hundred times a day until it has become a habit with you. Seek out ways and means of keeping it before your mind. Who cannot be an apostle in this way? How really wonderful is this apostolate of ejaculatory prayers!

Give me a number of souls constantly shooting these little arrows up to heaven and tell Me if they will not meet with success! It is the little droplets of water which evaporate, go up into the air, form the clouds in the sky and then pour down again as the rain fertilizing the earth.


In the first place the passive sacrifice of acceptance. How many inconveniences, troubles and sorrows — sometimes small, sometimes great — come your way every day as they came also to Me, to My holy Mother, and to My saints.

If you could bear all this in silence, with patience, even with joy if possible, and offer it all up that I may reign, what a rich apostolate you would be practicing. The Cross is of supreme value: that is why it costs so much. Alas! How many crosses are wasted by people, and they are such precious gems. Then, there is the active sacrifice of self-denial. Try to acquire the habit of constantly overcoming yourself in small things. That is an excellent practice of the spiritual life. You are walking along the street and feel an urgent desire to have a look at such and such an object; then don’t look at it. You would like to taste such and such a delicacy; then don’t taste it. You are innocently accused of some small thing or other, and silence will not cause any evil of great moment; then keep silent. And so forth in similar cases, offering everything so that I may reign. If you feel urged to it by your generosity, you could also undertake even greater penances. You see what magnificent scope there is here for the apostolate! And an apostolate such as this works wonders.

Daily Occupations

Some people say they cannot work for the Kingdom of Christ because they are always too busy; as if the very duties of their state and walk in life could not be converted into works of the apostolate by being accomplished well! Everything depends on the intention with which it is done. The very same piece of wood may be used as fuel for a fire, or as material for a sacred picture to be placed on the altar. During your daily round of work, strive to raise your eyes frequently to Me, to take pleasure in doing everything well for love of Me, so that your works may thus become golden coins which you set aside to My credit for the establishment of My kingdom on earth. You must also strive, but quietly, to become holier and holier every day. For the holier you are, the more efficacious will your works be for My glory.

Exterior Apostolate

Sometimes you could further some enterprise of My Divine Heart as, for example, by recommending this or that practice of the devotion to those with whom you come into frequent contact. You might be able to persuade them to consecrate themselves to Me as you have done yourself. You may find it hard to talk about the subject; then why not pass on a pamphlet or little booklet? Try to spread such literature, either by distributing it yourself, or else by bringing it to the notice of others.

There are, then, countless ways possible of working for the spread of My Kingdom. If you remain inactive, then you cannot plead lack of equipment as an excuse. There is not a moment of the day in which you cannot do something that I may reign. It is very easy to be My apostle, and what a wonderful calling! Your whole life will be suffused and illuminated by a noble ideal!

Every work of the day will be stamped with the seal of apostleship, of the great apostleship of love. Every work will be converted into the gold of charity. What a consolation it will be at the hour of death to look back on five, ten, twenty years, or even more, of 365 days each, all spent in this way.


Do you wish to love Me really and truly? Love includes two things: procuring for loved ones all the good they lack, and freeing them from the evil which oppresses them. By means of the apostolate you procure Me for the good, you give Me souls; by reparation, you free Me from the evil, you wash My Divine Heart clear of the stains which have been inflicted on it by sin. Yes indeed, and injury may be removed by giving Me satisfaction. And how much could you not give Me, not only for your own sins, but also for the innumerable sins committed every day! I do not wish to burden you with many practices; the same prayers, sacrifices, daily works, and enthusiastic communication which are excellent ways of apostolate, are also very useful for reparation if done with this intention: “That You may reign, forgive us our trespasses – – that You may reign in reparation for the times we have offended You.” These are aspirations which should always be on our lips. My life had a two-fold purpose in the world: that of the Apostle to establish the Kingdom of God, and that of the Priest and Victim to expiate the sins of all. I should like you to fulfill both, too. By devotion to My Sacred Heart, I hope to make everyone into an exact copy of Myself, into a small Redeemer. What a sublime and wonderful thing for you!

3. Conclusion

Courage, then, and forward march! Thousands of others with the same flesh and blood as yours have done it. Choose a feast day, the first that comes. In the meantime, prepare yourself by quietly reading over these ideas. When the appointed day comes, go to confession, receive Holy Communion devoutly, and then make your consecration to Me; for you could not find a better moment than when I am in your heart. It is very necessary, though, that the consecration should be complete; that it should constitute a whole program of life. Hence, to make it easier for you, there is an Act of Consecration included below which contains everything essential. You are not bound to anything under pain of sin, even venial. I want a big heart, generosity and love. I only ask you to do what you can: and who is there who cannot do this?

And do not forget to renew it daily at home or in the church; for this daily renewal is very important. If you do not renew it, it will quickly slip from your mind; if you do renew it, then you will end up fulfilling it. Choose this holy way with decision and determination and you will soon feel a warm stream of new, life-giving blood flowing through your veins.

In conclusion, two pieces of advice. Firstly, do not forget Me in the Tabernacle. Honor paid to my image is certainly very pleasing to Me, but My own Person is of far more value than the image. The Eucharist is in a special manner My sacrament, for it is the sacrament of love.

I should like you to receive Me often, and, if possible, to pay Me visits during the day. You have no idea how I reward these friendly calls! Secondly, you might be able to find a little time during the course of the day to read and think over something about devotion to My Sacred Heart. Thus, day-by-day, the seeds of this divine devotion will be taking deeper root in your heart.

Act of Consecration

O QUEEN OF HEAVEN, most loving Mother, I (Name) though full of weakness and quite unworthy, yet encouraged by the gracious invitation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, desire to consecrate myself entirely to Him. Conscious of my own unworthiness and inconstancy, I desire to offer everything through your maternal hands and with child-like trust in your loving care, and I look to you to assist me in the fulfillment of my resolutions.

MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS, King of love and goodness, full of recognition for Your favors, freely and with all my soul do I accept this pact between You and me. I shall care for Your interests, and You will care for mine. You know indeed that You will gain less by it than 1. I wish everything of mine to be Yours, and place everything in Your hands: my soul, my eternal salvation, my freedom, my interior progress, my wants, my body, my life and my health. I place in your hands, the small number of my good works I am able to perform, or which others will offer up for me during my life or after my death, if they can be of service to You. I also place in your hands my family, my possessions, my work, so that You may be King of all that is mine and may dispose of everything according to Your pleasure. I, for my part, will do my best in all these affairs, but I shall rest contented with whatever Your loving Heart decides in my regard, difficult though it may be.

In return, I ask that the time still left to me not be wasted. I desire to do something big, something really big, that You may reign in the world; by my prayer and aspirations, by my daily tasks, by the suffering which I accept here and now, by my little acts of self-denial, I desire that every moment of my life may be spent in propagating and establishing Your divine Kingdom. May Your seal be on everything I do until the end of my allotted time, and then may my last breath be spent in words of love for Your most Sacred Heart.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy Kingdom Come!

May the God of peace, who brought up from the dead the great shepherd of the sheep by the Blood of the eternal covenant, Jesus Our Lord, furnish you with all that is good, that you may do His will. May He carry out in you what is pleasing to Him through Jesus Christ, to Whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.” (Heb.13:20-21)

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You!

1 – Msgr. Gauthey: Vie et Å“uvres de S. Marguerite-Marie, Paris, 1920,

3rd ed., Vol.II, p. 627.

2 – Msgr. Gauthey, Ibid.., letter 50, p.324.

3 – Msgr. Gauthey, Ibid.., letter 141.

4 – Msgr. Gauthey, Ibid.., part 2, letter 141.

5 – Msgr. Gauthey, Ibid, letter 86, p. 397.

6 – Uriarte, Vida del P. Hogos. Part 3, ch.l, p.251, 2nd ed.

7 – Chasle: SÅ“ur Marie du Divin Coeur, ch. XI, p.359.

Enthronement of the Sacred Heart

Enthronement of the Sacred Heart

according to Father Mateo Crawley-BÅ“vey

Imprimi Potest: William J. CONDON, SS.CC, Provincial

Nihil Obstat: Vincent DAVIS, SS.CC, Censor Deputatus

Imprimatur: + Patrick A. O’BOYLE, Archbishop of Washington November 30, 1955

Promises of Our Lord to families who honour His Sacred Heart

1. I will give them all the graces necessary for their state of life.

2. I will establish peace in their families.

3. I will bless every house in which the picture of My Heart shall be exposed and honoured.

4. I will console them in all their difficulties.

5. I will be their refuge during life and especially at the hour of death.

6. I will shed abundant blessings upon all their undertakings.

7. Sinners shall find in My Heart a fountain and boundless ocean of mercy.

8. Tepid souls shall become fervent.

9. Fervent souls shall rise speedily to great perfection.

10. I will give to priests the power of touching the hardest hearts.

11. Those who propagate this devotion shall have their names written in My Heart never to be blotted out.

12. I promise you, in the excessive mercy of My Heart, that My all-powerful love will grant to all who communicate on the First Friday of the month for nine consecutive months, the grace of final penitence; they shall not die in My displeasure nor without their Sacraments: My Divine Heart shall he their safe refuge in this last moment.


A letter of Pope Pius XII

To our Beloved Son Mateo Crawley-Boevey,

Priest of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

Beloved Son, Health and Apostolic Benediction.

Now that fifty years soon will have elapsed since that day on which, endowed with the sacerdotal dignity, you offered the Holy Sacrifice for the first time, We do not wish you to be deprived of the felicitations and good wishes of Our Paternal Heart.  All the more so, since We have learned that you are presently confined to a hospital, not so much by reason of declining years, but rather because of serious infirmities, and thus are unable to labour with that zealous ardor which was your wont, for the Consecration of Catholic families to the Most Tender Heart of Jesus.

Nevertheless, what you are unable to do by apostolic labours, by apostolic journeys and preachings, you can accomplish undoubtedly by ardent prayers addressed to God, and by sufferings and afflictions cheerfully accepted in a spirit of reparation.  That you are doing this with a humble and willing heart We do not doubt, and while We desire to console you in your present illness, yet We also express the wish in your behalf that your strength be restored as soon as possible and that once more you may be permitted to strive earnestly to obtain for this salutary enterprise an ever increasing success.

This undertaking corresponds to Our most cherished desires, as it did to those of Our Predecessors.  We long for the return to the private life of men and the public life of peoples of the love of Jesus Christ, which springs from this Divine Heart.  In this way alone will it be possible to console the many who are afflicted and in misery, to strengthen the many who are weak and wavering, to arouse effectively the many who are negligent and lukewarm, and finally to induce everyone to the fervent practice of that Christian virtue which gave to the primitive Church its greatest glory, that of sanctity and martyrdom.

Let the Divine Redeemer reign once more in civil society and in family life, by His Law and His Love, and then without any doubt will be rooted out entirely those vices which are the source of human unhappiness and human misery, then without any doubt discord will disappear; then justice – but true justice – will solidify the foundations of human society, and that true liberty “wherewith Christ has made us free” (Gal. IV,31), will enhance the dignity of citizens and will make them brothers.

However, there is one thing We desire in a special way – and which is moreover the principal goal in the Work which you have propagated so long and so diligently – namely, that Christian families consecrate themselves to the Sacred Heart “in such a way that His image being installed in the place of honour in the home, as on a throne, Christ the Lord is seen to reign truly within the Catholic family.” (Bened.XV Epis. Libenter tuas d.d. XXVII Apr. MCMXV; A.A.S.vol.II, p. 203).  This consecration is not a useless and empty ceremony, but requires of everyone that their lives be in harmony with Christian precepts, that they burn with an ardent love for the Holy Eucharist, and that they share in the Heavenly Banquet as often as possible; and that they strive by humble prayers addressed to God, and by works of holy penance to provide by all means in their power not only for their own salvation but also for the salvation of others.

These, dear Son, are Our wishes and desires which it please Us to express to you on the occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of your priesthood which you are soon to celebrate, and the fulfilment of which We entrust to the Divine Goodness and Mercy. But in the meantime, as a proof of Our paternal good will and as a pledge of heavenly graces, We impart to you affectionately in the Lord, the Apostolic Blessing.

Given at Rome, at St. Peter’s, the second day of the month of July, in the year nineteen hundred and forty eight, the tenth of Our Pontificate.


Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the home

There is one place where the special graces and blessings of the Sacred Heart are needed more than anywhere else.  That place is the home.

No one knows this better than the priests who are trying to make the families in their parishes more thoroughly Catholic, or parents struggling to prevent the complete breakdown of Christian family life in their homes, or children worrying about parents who do not practice their religion.

First of all, let us consider the sacred character of the home and its importance in the eyes of our blessed Saviour.

When the Son of God became Man and began His work of saving the world and redeeming it from its sins, He did not at first establish His Church but, instead, founded a home. Before He appointed Peter the fisherman to be the head of His Church, He appointed Joseph the carpenter to be the head of His home.

What a lesson on the importance and grandeur of the home!  Think of it – the Saviour of the world spent only 33 years on this earth, yet 30 of them were passed in the humble home at Nazareth.  Jesus, infinitely wise, was giving an example for ages to come of the tremendous value of the family in the eyes of God.

Even after our Lord had said farewell to His happy home at Nazareth, He continued to stress by word and example the sacred character of marriage and to show His great love for the home and family life.

He raised matrimony to the dignity of a sacrament.  He taught the indissolubility of the married state . He showed sympathy and affection for the members of the family by accepting invitations to visit them and dine with them.

His first public miracle took place in a home at Cana in Galilee on the occasion of the wedding feast of a young couple.  He often stayed with Peter in his home and on one occasion restored his mother-in-law to perfect health.  He Himself asked that He might stay with Zaccheus in his home.  Frequently He visited the home of Lazarus, Martha, and Mary at Bethany.  Often He accepted invitations to dine in the homes of the Pharisees despite their jealousy and hatred for Him.  On one of these occasions, in the home of Simon, He forgave Mary Magdalene and gave us one of the greatest proofs of His merciful love.

The Sacred Heart and the home

If the divine Redeemer showed such great love for the home during His mortal life, we should expect Him to manifest the same solicitude and affection for the family when He asked St. Margaret Mary for devotion to His Sacred Heart.  This, He said, was like a “new redemption,” meaning, of course, that the effects of the Redemption would be renewed through devotion to His Heart.

On several occasions the loving Saviour referred to the home and, in fact, made a specific request and several promises concerning the family.  If He did not speak about the family more often at Paray-le-Monial, probably the reason is He presupposed people would know that when He talked about being honoured, loved, consoled, trusted, etc., this was to be done especially in the place where they spent most of their time, in the family circle.

For instance, when He made the promise that “since He is the source of all blessings, He will shower them in abundance in every place where a picture of His divine Heart shall be set up and honoured,” He certainly had the home in mind, for there follows immediately another promise concerned with the home, which specifies the kind of blessings He had in mind: “I will reunite families and will protect and help those who are in necessity and those who approach Me with confidence.”

On another occasion He promised, according to St.Margaret Mary, “that He takes such pleasure in being known, loved, and honoured by His creatures that He promises peace in their families, solace in their labours.  He promised that He would reunite families that are divided. . . !”

Again He assured the saint that the most zealous promoters of this devotion “would be recompensed not only in their own persons but also in the persons of their parents and friends.”

It is true that countless families had obeyed our Lord’s request to venerate an image of the Sacred Heart . But this veneration was an incomplete fulfilment of His request that the image be “set up and honoured in public,” for, with some exceptions, the Sacred Heart was honoured in a private way, mostly in the bedroom and not in a public place in the home.  Keeping the image of the Sacred Heart out of sight from visitors to the home seemed to symbolize the spirit of the times: the exclusion of our Lord and His teachings from the public and social lives of men.

It was reserved for Father Mateo to organize a true crusade to have all our Lord’s requests carried out in the home.  Likewise it was to be his special mission to focus attention on the social significance of devotion to the Sacred Heart and to strive to re-establish the public rule of Christ over nations through the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the home.

Just what is the enthronement?

The Enthronement is the official and social recognition of the sovereignty of the Sacred Heart of Jesus over the Christian family, a recognition affirmed, outwardly expressed, and made permanent by the solemn installation of the image of that divine Heart in a conspicuous place in the home and by the Act of Consecration.”

From this definition it is at once evident that the Enthronement is not the mere blessing of a picture, nor a mere act of consecration, nor a mere outward and passing ceremony.  The Enthronement is all that and a great deal more.  By it the members of a family solemnly and officially proclaim and set up in their home the social kingship of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Some persons have wrongly supposed that the whole movement of the Enthronement is based on the particular promise of the Sacred Heart to bless the homes where His picture is exposed and honoured; they imagine the work to be out to propagate and diffuse the image of the Sacred Heart in all homes so as to draw down upon them the promised blessing.  Consequently these persons consider the Enthronement to be one of those numerous devotions of supererogation, which, no doubt, are all good in themselves, but which, by reason of their multiplicity and often encumbering practices, not rarely produce the contrary effect to that which was intended; they hamper and kill devotion instead of helping and increasing it.

The Enthronement cannot be ranked in the category of the devotions referred to; in fact, it cannot be called a devotion in the ordinary sense of the word.  It preaches a life; it holds forth the fundamental principles of our religion and applies them to everyday life.  It brings out the loving person of our Divine Lord and associates Him with every detail of home life.  It insists not so much on devotion to the Sacred Heart as on the spirit of that devotion.  Rather than burden our life with supplementary devotional practices, it transforms life itself, giving to everything we do the soul of divine love.  If the Enthronement points to certain practices, for instance, Holy Communion on the First Friday, it takes care to accentuate the motive of love and reparation for which they were asked.

The Enthronement seeks to establish the effective reign of the Sacred Heart in the family and, through the family, in society.  It has chosen for its watchword the words of our blessed Lord to St. Margaret Mary: “I will reign by My Sacred Heart.”  Its program is the realization of this request which sums up all the desires and demands of the Sacred Heart.

Perhaps the Enthronement can be further explained by a few questions and answers, in the form of a “Catechism on the Enthronement.”

Q. What does the word “enthronement’ mean?

A. The word enthronement means to install on a throne, in recognition of a person’s authority.

Q. What do you mean by “the official and social recognition of the loving Kingship of the Heart of Jesus in a Christian family”?

A. In the ceremony of the Enthronement, the family is considered as the basic unit of society, the social cell, and also as the “nation in miniature”. As such it proclaims Jesus as its King and, as far as it can, as the King of the entire nation. That is why the father, the head of the family, installs the image in the place of honour. It is a public act inasmuch as it is done in a prominent place in the home and not in a private place, such as a bedroom.

Q. Why the installation of the image in the place of honour?


(1) To make reparation for the dethronement of Christ from the first place in everyday family life and in the public life of the nation;

(2) because as King and Friend of the family, Jesus has the right and the desire to be given the best place in the home;

(3) so that the family and visitors will be constantly reminded that Jesus is the King and Head of the home.

Q. Why enthrone the Sacred Heart in the home?

A. Because our Lord asked that His image be singularly honoured in the home. Moreover, it is the home, which is being undermined systematically by its enemies, by the exclusion of Christ from family life. Therefore He must be systematically brought back. Finally the family needs the extraordinary graces promised by the Sacred Heart to those who give Him the place of honour in the home.

Q. Is the Enthronement merely the carrying out of the one request of our Lord, namely, to honour the image of His Sacred Heart?

A. No. According to Father Mateo, the Enthronement “is simply the realization, not of one or the other of the requests made by our Saviour to St. Margaret Mary, but the complete and integral realization of all of them, calling forth the fulfilment of the splendid promises with which the King of Love has enriched them.”

Q. What are the principal requests made by the Sacred Heart?

A. To be acknowledged as a King who rules through love: “The adorable Heart of Jesus wishes:

(1) to establish His reign of love in all hearts” (St. Margaret Mary);

(2) to have the image of His Heart exposed and honoured in a special way in the home;

(3) to have everyone consecrate himself to His Heart;

(4) to make reparation;

(5) to live a life of love and confidence;

(6) to make His Heart better known and loved;

(7) to show greater devotion to the Eucharist;

(8) to celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart and the First Fridays.

Q. Does the Enthronement program include all of these requests?

A. Yes. Numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 are carried out in the ceremony itself, at least in intention and symbolically; numbers 5, 6, 7, and 8 are emphasized in the suggestions for the living of the spirit of the Enthronement.

From this it is easy to see why the Enthronement crusade is much more than an organized attempt to get a Sacred Heart picture or statue in every home.  That is important, but Father Mateo insists there is much more to his work than this.

“Is the Enthronement nothing more than the image installed in the place of honour?  No, there is more to it than that!  Is it perhaps but a beautiful and simple consecration of the family to the Sacred Heart?  The consecration is included indeed, but there is much more than that!

The Enthronement is the collective answer of the family to the request and at the same time a reply to those who cry out, “We will not have this Man reign over us!”  When the family enthrones the Sacred Heart, they are saying in effect: “Lord, we want Thee to rule over our family, we adore Thee as our King of Love; we accept Thee as our loving Friend, always occupying the first place in our hearts and in our home.  Thy kingdom come! Thou must reign, and Thou shalt reign in our home.”

This response of the family to the divine request gives the Sacred Heart an “excuse”, an occasion, as it were, to fulfil His marvelous promises.  We might compare the Enthronement to a bi-lateral contract: the family promises and tries to carry out our Lord’s requests, and Jesus, in His turn, promises to keep His pledges; and the wonderful part of it is that He always does, even if He has to work a miracle of grace!  And why not?  Has He ever broken His word?

To restore all things in the Sacred Heart, then, no better means could have been found than this providential work of the Enthronement. You do well, dear son, while taking up the cause of human society, to arouse and propagate above all things a Christian spirit in the home by setting up in each family the reign of love of Jesus Christ.  And in doing this you are but obeying our divine Lord Himself, who promised to shower His blessings upon the homes wherein an image of His Heart should be exposed and honoured.” (Pope Benedict XV to Father Mateo.)

Nothing is lacking in this work, neither the solid foundation which makes it the best means to establish the reign of the Sacred Heart nor the indispensable external ritual, so important in making an impression on the senses of men, made up as they are of bodies and souls.

Rightly then, and without any exaggeration, St. Pius X could call this enterprise a “work of social salvation” (Acta Pontificia,May 25,1915, p.226 note); and Pope Benedict XV could write to Father Mateo, “Nothing is more suitable to the needs of the present day. . .”

How the King conquered

Before we go any further, it might be a good idea to give an example of a typical Enthronement ceremony and tell what it did in an American family that badly needed the help that the Divine Physician alone can give.  I know the family in question and I was able to follow the conquest of its members by the King of Love and Mercy, step by step.

The middle-aged father and mother came to see me one night in Washington, a few years ago.  As they began to speak, tears filled their eyes.  Here is their story.

“Father, we’ve made a mess out of our family.  We don’t know what to do or where to turn.  But we were present at an Enthronement in a friend’s home not long ago, and we heard the priest speak about the blessings that come to homes where the Sacred Heart is enthroned.  We thought, maybe, that’s what we need.  But everything seems so hopeless …”

“Nothing is hopeless when it’s a question of the Sacred Heart,” I reassured them.  “He can solve any problem; He is all-powerful.  But you have to trust Him blindly.  That’s the first condition He always demands before He works His miracles.  Now tell me about your family.”

Then began a tale of woe.  One of their four daughters had married a Catholic, but the second who had eloped with a non-Catholic had her two children baptized as Lutherans.  Her husband was a drunkard and she was at the point of separating from him.  The girl was embittered against the Church and was thinking of becoming a Lutheran herself.  She openly opposed Catholicism.

The third daughter had married a non-Catholic and was lax in the performance of her duties.  The fourth daughter had left home at the age of 16, encouraged by the second daughter.  She refused to contact her parents.

“And, Father, worst of all, that second daughter just had a third baby, born on Mother’s Day.  The child has a bad heart and is expected to live but a few days.  Her mother refuses to have the baby baptized.  She will have nothing to do with priests.  Father, it’s terrible!”

As I listened, I prayed to the Holy Ghost for the right answer.  I made an act of faith, trusting in the Sacred Heart’s promise to back up His priests when they encourage others to trust Him and honour the image of His Heart.  I remembered His promise to “reunite families that are divided … to bring peace to families … to change tepidity into fervour… to give graces of sanctification and salvation to homes that singularly honour the image of His Heart.”

“Listen carefully to what I have to tell you,” I said to them.  I’m going to give you the answer to this problem.  And the answer is not my answer but that of our Lord, who can neither deceive nor be deceived.  Whom does He love most?  Those who have never offended Him or sinners?  He Himself has given the answer:  ‘It is not the healthy who need a physician, but they who are sick … for I have come to call sinners, not the just.’   Therefore, there can be no doubt about it, He loves your daughters very much.  He wants to help them.  But you have to help Him.  You admit that you have kept Christ out of your family life by indifference and carelessness.  Now make up for that by bringing Him back in with great solemnity . Enthrone Him in your home, and He will come in as the Divine Physician to heal your daughters who are sick.

Now here is what I’m going to ask you to do:

“First, the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart.  Make it as beautiful as solemn as possible.  Invite relatives and friends – especially your daughters and their husbands; if they don’t want to come, put their photographs around the Sacred Heart.  Secondly, make reparation.  The Enthronement ceremony is in itself an act of reparation, but there’s no sacrifice in having it.  Make a personal sacrifice.  I suggest daily Mass and Communion, and Night Adoration together in your home, at least once a month – every week if possible.  And, finally, try to get other families to honour and love the Sacred Heart.  And do all this with childlike confidence that the Sacred Heart somehow in His own way and in His own good time will reunite your family.  At least take my word for it, if you find it hard to believe.”

The mother and father promised they would do all that had been suggested.  On Trinity Sunday, May 23, 1948, they had the Enthronement.  The daughters refused to come, but their pictures surrounded the Sacred Heart on His throne.  The couple started making Night Adoration before the shrine of the Sacred Heart.  They spoke to others about it.

Then things started to happen.  The baby with the bad heart didn’t die as expected by the doctors.  Several times she was rushed to the hospital.  Finally death seemed a short time off.  The night before, the grandmother pinned a Sacred Heart badge on the baby’s gown.  Unexpectedly the baby’s mother, who had been so bitter, called a priest and had her child baptized.  Within seconds the baby rallied, and she was brought home nine days later.  This was on July 31.  She died the following November 22.

The day after the baby’s baptism, there was note on the grandfather’s desk at work stating that the day before a Mass had been offered for those who had contributed to a certain cause in which he had been interested.  A post-mortem operation was performed on the baby.  The doctors insisted it was a miracle that the child had lived six months.  Three days was the limit, generally.  The grandfather concluded that the grace of this Mass moved the mother to have the baby baptized.

More things began to happen.  On Christmas, 1948, the second daughter received Communion for the first time in eight years.  Her Lutheran husband became a Catholic on July 15, 1950.  In thanksgiving, they enthroned the Sacred Heart in their home with a large gathering present.  The wife is now a daily communicant; her husband receives Communion frequently during the week.  He is a member of a laymen’s retreat movement.  The children are now in a parochial school, and the family Rosary and the renewal of the consecration to the Sacred Heart are a nightly occurrence.  On the front lawn for all the neighbours to see is a beautiful marble statue of the Sacred Heart which was dedicated before a large crowd.  Even the boys’ choir from the parish church added to the solemnity.

In the meantime, the other daughters had their marriages validated and have enthroned the Sacred Heart in their homes.  All of them are spending much of their spare time calling on neighbours and friends telling them of the blessings that have come to their home through the Sacred Heart and urging them to enthrone Him in their own families.

I was invited to be present at the solemn renewal of the Enthronement in the home of the second daughter.  As we drove up to the house, we saw the spotlighted Sacred Heart shrine on the lawn.  The living room was jammed with friends and relatives.  Happiness was in the air.  I spotted the mother and father sitting on the sofa, taking in the happy scene.  I couldn’t resist an impulse.  Leaning over, I whispered, “I told you so!”  Their only answer was to squeeze my hand as tears of joy welled in their eyes.  Every one of their girls and husbands were there before them, at peace with God.  Yes, Father was right, “The Sacred Heart has never broken His word!”

A typical enthronement ceremony

Have you ever witnessed the impressive ceremony of the Enthronement?  If not, let me invite you to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Typical American, who are having the ceremony for the first time.

Mr. T.A. might have heard about it in any one of several ways – at a Holy Name meeting, by reading a magazine article, from a friend passing on the good news, through his student-son’s bringing the word from school, from the priest who preached about it in church, or through his wife.  In any case, he is all for it, and tonight’s the big night.

Following the suggestions in the pamphlet, the T.A. family went to Mass and Holy Communion in the morning “for the reign of the Sacred Heart in their home” and as “an act of love and reparation to the Sacred Heart.”  They also had a Mass offered for the same intention.

Relatives and friends have been invited, and one of the parish priests has promised to preside.

In the living room, over the fireplace, a “throne” has been prepared, beautifully decorated with flowers and candles.  On the throne have been placed photographs of absent loved ones, living and dead.  In another part of the room, the image of the Sacred Heart has been placed on a small table with holy water and two lighted candles.  The room has already taken on the air of a “little church”.

When all the guests are present and the priest has donned his cassock and surplice and stole, one of the children is allowed to light the candles while another distributes copies of the “ceremonial” to each one present.

With the parents and children standing near, the priest begins the liturgical blessing of the image of the Sacred Heart.  Then he invites the head of the house, accompanied by his wife and children, to take the statue and “escort the Sacred Heart to the place of honour in the home.”  (Sometimes, while the little procession is taking place, those present sing “To Jesus’ Heart All Burning.”)  Arriving at the throne, the Sacred Heart is installed in the place of honour.  Then the Apostles’ Creed is recited by all as an act of faith in our Lord’s teachings and in reparation for those families who refuse to accept them or put them into practice.

At this point everyone is seated, while the priest addresses them on the significance of the Enthronement.  As you sit back and take in the scene, you cannot help but realize how the Enthronement brings out the sacred character of the home: the home altar with the image of the Sacred Heart surrounded by flowers and candles; the priest vested in surplice and stole; the assembled “congregation” – all make you understand more clearly the oft-repeated words of priests and writers that the home is indeed a “domestic church”.

When the priest has finished, he invites the group to kneel while he and the head of the house recite the official Act of Consecration of the Family to the Sacred Heart.  (A plenary indulgence and indulgence of seven years are attached to the recitation of this formula, composed by Father Ladislas, SS.CC, and adopted by the Church for general use.)

Then an Our Father and a Hail Mary are recited for the absent members of the family, living and dead, that all may share in the graces of this occasion.  After this, everyone recites the act of thanksgiving composed by Father Mateo.

The next step is a prayer in honour of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Wherever a king is enthroned, there the queen reigns, too.  Consequently, in the Enthronement ceremony the Queen of Love is not forgotten, and in honour of her Immaculate Heart the “Hail, Holy Queen” is recited by all.  If so desired, at this point an act of consecration of the family to the Immaculate Heart of Mary may be recited and her image installed near that of the Sacred Heart.  (As we will explain later, we do not enthrone the Immaculate Heart of Mary – this is an act of adoration reserved for the divine King alone.)

After the ceremony which is concluded with the recitation of ejaculatory prayers, the blessing of the priest, and the signing of the certificate of the Enthronement by all the members of the family and the presiding priest, follows a little family party.

As a further example of what we mean by “living” the Enthronement, let us quote the words of Pope Pius XII.  It has been the custom of Pope Pius XII to receive newly wedded couples in private audience and to give them priceless words of encouragement and advice.  On many occasions, the Sovereign Pontiff has urged them to enthrone the Sacred Heart in their homes and to live the Enthronement.  For example, on June 5, 1940, he said: “It is fitting then, dear Christian husbands and wives, brethren of Jesus, that the image of His Heart ‘which has so loved men’ be exposed and honoured in your homes, like that of the nearest and most loved relation who pours out the treasures of His blessings upon you, your children, and your undertakings. ‘Exposed and honoured,’ that is to say, this image should not only watch over your hours of rest in private chamber but it should be loyally honoured by being hung above the entrance, or in the dining room, or parlour, or in some other frequently used place. ‘Everyone therefore that shall confess Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven’ (Matt.10:32).

‘Honoured’ means that at least now and then an attentive hand will place before the precious little statue or modest image of the Sacred Heart a few flowers, or a lighted candle, or even keep a lamp burning there, and that the family will gather round it each evening for a united act of homage, a humble expression of contrition, and a request for a few blessings.

“In a word, the Sacred Heart is duly honoured in a home when He is acknowledged as the King of Love by each and every one … when the Sacred Heart reigns in a family, and surely He has the right to reign everywhere.  It is necessary that an atmosphere of faith and piety envelop everyone and everything in that blessed household … In the consecrated family, parents and children feel themselves under the eye of God and are friendly with Him; they are therefore observant of His Commandments and the precepts of His Church.  Before the image of the King of heaven, become their earthly Friend and constant Guest, they fearlessly and meritoriously meet all the labours of their daily duties.

“May it be so with you, my dear sons and daughters!  Living united with Jesus even in this life, you shall only leave this earth to contemplate eternally the bright and beatific reality of that divine Heart in heaven.”

(Address entitled: The Reign of the Sacred Heart in the Christian Family” – The Holy Father Speaks to Newlyweds, Washington, D.C., p.27-28.)

Living with Jesus

Countless families have grasped one of the basic ideas of the Enthronement: living with Jesus, the loving King, Friend, and Guest of the family, and sharing all family joys and sorrows with Him.  For instance, I know a family that never has a birthday party without first laying the presents at the feet of their King and renewing their act of consecration to His Divine Heart.  Then they have their party with Jesus as their Guest.

Other families renew their act of consecration on wedding anniversaries, baptismal days, First Communion, and special days.  Some have renewed their Enthronement on the occasion of the death of a member of the family.  One of these cases occurred in Milwaukee.  The father, a devout Catholic, had always insisted that as his children got married, the first thing they were to do in their new home was to enthrone the Sacred Heart.  Usually he gave them a Sacred Heart picture as a wedding present.  Frequently he told his wife that when he died, before his body left the home the family were to gather around the coffin and renew the Enthronement.  So it happened.  Despite the grief, the members of the bereaved family gathered around the mortal remains of their father and, as on the day of their Enthronement, before an image of the Sacred Heart surrounded with lighted candles they renewed their consecration to the King and Friend of their home.  How significant the words of the consecration sounded at that moment: “Lastly, when the hour of separation will sound and death will plunge our home into mourning, then shall we all and every one of us be resigned to Thy eternal decrees and seek, consolation in the thought that we shall all one day be reunited in heaven, where we shall sing the praises of Thy Sacred Heart for all eternity.”

This family was one of many that have experienced the verification of the promise of the Sacred Heart: “I will be their secure refuge during life and especially at the hour of their death.”

The enthronement, work of merciful love

From the foregoing examples and those contained in the following chapter, it is evident the Enthronement is a powerful means of obtaining the mercy of the Sacred Heart.  This is not to be wondered at.  The promise of the Sacred Heart that “sinners will find in My Heart a boundless ocean of mercy” is an echo of the gospel message, “I have come for sinners.”

The Enthronement brings into the home the Good Shepherd seeking the lost sheep, the Divine Physician eager to heal the sick, the loving Father embracing and forgiving the prodigal son.

Thus the Enthronement is not a reward for being good, limited to devout and pious Catholic families.  Rather it is an effective means of changing tepidity into fervour, indifference into love in families that have been strangers to these virtues.

In this respect, the Enthronement can be compared to the reception of Holy Communion.  You do not have to be a saint to receive Communion, but you receive Communion to become a saint.  A family enthrones the Sacred Heart in the home not because they are superior to others or outstanding in virtue, but in order to know and love and serve Him better than they have been doing in the past.

Naturally there are certain minimum conditions that must be fulfilled by families who want to have the Enthronement.  They must avoid scandal and likewise prevent abuses.  What then are the conditions for having the ceremony of the Enthronement?

Three conditions for the enthronement

1. That the marriage be a valid one.

A Catholic couple married outside the Church by a minister or a justice of the peace may not have the Enthronement until the marriage has been rectified by a priest.

2. That at least one of the parents be a practicing Catholic.

Thus if the father is a lapsed Catholic or a non-Catholic, the Enthronement may take place if the mother is a Catholic who practices her faith.

3. The family must have the general intention of doing God’s will.

This means they may be obliged to fulfil certain specific conditions such as giving up a sinful practice before they can have the Enthronement.  Of course, to avoid scandal the priest will be the judge as to the proper procedure in these cases.

In the eventuality the Enthronement may not be had, nothing prevents the family from honouring an image of the Sacred Heart in their home or praying to the Sacred Heart.  Often this will result in the reception of graces that will effect a change in the spiritual status of the family.

Fulfilling all Our Lord’s requests

It now remains to show how the Enthronement “is the complete realization of all the requests made by the Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary,” and therefore most apt to bring about the fulfilment of the marvellous promises of the Sacred Heart.

1.  He wishes to enkindle die flame of love in a world grown cold by the burning love of His Heart.  “What the work seeks to set up in every home is nothing but the pure, simple, and frank devotion to the Sacred Heart” (Cardinal Billot).

2.  Through this devotion, Jesus wants to bring about the reign of His Sacred Heart.  “I will reign through My Heart.”  “The Enthronement is the solemn, social recognition of this reign” (Father Mateo).

“He wishes to enter the homes of princes and kings with pomp and magnificence” (St. Margaret Mary).  The Enthronement has taken place in the palaces of kings and princes (Luxembourg, Spain, Austria); entire countries have enthroned the Sacred Heart (Spain, Colombia, and others) and this has resulted from the widespread practice of enthroning the Sacred Heart in the homes of these nations.

3.  He asks that the image of His Heart be exposed and singularly honoured.  This is one of the essential characteristics of the Enthronement.

4.  He wishes the consecration of individuals, families, and nations to His Heart.  This is why we add the consecration to the Enthronement.

5.  He asks for the Feast of the Sacred Heart as a day of Eucharistic reparation.  From the very beginning, Father Mateo has strongly urged the solemn celebration of this feast on Friday, not only in church but also in the family circle – and this on Friday, the day our Lord specified.

6.  He asks for special Eucharistic practices.  The Enthronement encourages and helps families to make the First Fridays, Communions of reparation, and Holy Hours.

7.  He asks that His friends become apostles of the Sacred Heart, to extend His reign.  As a result of the Enthronement crusade there is hardly a point on the globe where the Social Reign of the Sacred Heart is not being promoted and proclaimed.

Therefore, it is safe to conclude with Father Mateo that “the Enthronement is the realization of all the requests made by our Saviour to St. Margaret Mary, calling forth the fulfilment of the splendid promises with which the King of Love has enriched them” (Jesus the King of Love, p.3).

Ceremonials for the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the home

Before the Ceremony

Prepare for the Enthronement:

1.  Learn what it is and how important it is.

2.  Set a date for the Enthronement in agreement with the pastor.  It is desirable to have a priest preside at the ceremony, but it is not essential to gain the indulgences.  For serious reasons, the father or someone else may preside and lead the prayers. In any case, please consult your parish priest.

3.  If possible have the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered that morning for the reign of the Sacred Heart in your home and as an act of love and reparation to the Sacred Heart.  The entire family should try to receive Communion in this Mass or another Mass.

4.  Obtain as beautiful a picture or statue of the Sacred Heart as possible.  If you already have a picture or statue, use that one.

5.  Below the place of honour reserved for the statue or picture, prepare a “throne” or “altar”, that is, a table (or perhaps the mantelpiece), covered with a white cloth, beautifully decorated with flowers and candles. The picture or statue should be placed on a small table near this “throne” before the ceremony.

6.  Invite your relatives and friends to be present; thus you will already begin to be an “apostle of the Sacred Heart”.  Have a family party after the ceremony, with a special treat for children who – even the smallest – should, of course, be present at the ceremony.

7.  Make this day one of the outstanding events of the family life – one long to be remembered.  The greater the solemnity, the better.

Note: Even though your home has been consecrated to the Sacred Heart, you may still have the Enthronement, as the two are not the same.

The Ceremony

1.  All gather around the image of the Sacred Heart; father, mother, and children nearest to the priest.

2.  The priest, in surplice and white stole, blesses the image.  (If the priest is not present, have the image blessed beforehand.)

The Blessing of the Picture or Statue

V. Adjutorium nostrum in    V. Our help is in the name of nomine Domini. the Lord.

R. Qui fecit coelum et terram.    R. Who hath made heaven and earth.

V. Dominus vobiscum.    V. The Lord be with you.

R. Et cum spiritu tuo.   R. And with thy spirit.

Oremus. Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, qui Sanctorum tuorum imagines pingi non reprobas, ut quoties illas ocuiis corporis intuemur, toties eorum actus et sanctitatem ad imitandum memoriae ocuiis meditemur, hanc quaesumus, imaginem in honorem et memoriam Sacratissimi Cordis Unigeniti Filii tui Domini Nostri Jesu Christi adaptatam bene + dicere et sancti + ficare digneris; et praesta ut quicumque coram ilia, Cor Sacratissimum Unigeniti Filii tui suppliciter colere et honorare studuerit, illius meritis et obtentu a te gratiam in praesenti, et aeternam gloriam obtineat in futurum. Per Christum Dominum nostrum Amen.

(Let us pray. Almighty and everlasting God, who dost approve the painting and sculpturing of the images of Thy saints, so that as often as we gaze upon them we are reminded to imitate their deeds and sanctity, vouchsafe, we implore Thee, to bless and sanctify this image made in honour and in memory of the most Sacred Heart of Thy only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ; and grant, that whoso­ever, in its presence will suppliantly worship and honour the most Sacred Heart of Thy only-begotten Son, may obtain through His merits and intercession grace in this life and everlasting glory in the world to come.  Through Christ our Lord.  Amen.)

(The priest here sprinkles the image with holy water.)

3.  Then the father (or in his absence, the mother or some other member of the family) enthrones the image of the Sacred Heart in the place of honour.  This is the symbolic act of Enthronement.

4.  All stand while the Apostles’ Creed is recited as an act of faith on the part of the family.

5.  Everyone is seated while the priest addresses a few words to those present, reminding the members of the family of what the Sacred Heart expects from families which have acknowledged Him as King; recalling the magnificent promises of the Sacred Heart; urging the family to live its Enthronement and frequently to renew the act of consecration which they are about to make.

6.  All kneel while the priest and the father (or the father alone, or his representative) recite the official Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart.

Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart

(Recited by the priest and the father together, or the father alone – or his representative – if the priest is absent.  This formula is required for the indulgences and may not be changed.)

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, / who didst make known to St. Margaret Mary Thine ardent desire to reign over Christian families, / behold us assembled here today / to proclaim Thine absolute dominion over our home.

Henceforth we purpose to lead a life like unto Thine / so that amongst us may flourish the virtues / for which Thou didst promise peace on earth, / and for this end / we will banish from our midst / the spirit of the world which Thou dost abhor so much.

Thou wilt reign over our understanding / by the simplicity of our faith. Thou wilt reign over our hearts / by an ardent love for Thee; / and may the flame of this love / be ever kept burning in our hearts / by the frequent reception of the Holy Eucharist.

Deign, O Divine Heart, / to preside over our meetings, / to bless our undertakings both spiritual and temporal, / to banish all worry and care, / to sanctify our joys / and soothe our sorrows. / If any of us / should ever have the misfortune to grieve Thy Sacred Heart, / remind him of Thy goodness and mercy / toward the repentant sinner.

Lastly / when the hour of separation will sound / and death will plunge our home into mourning, / then shall we all and every one of us / be resigned to Thy eternal decrees, / and seek consolation in the thought / that we shall one day be reunited in heaven, / where we shall sing the praises and blessings of Thy Sacred Heart / for all eternity.

May the Immaculate Heart of Mary / and the glorious Patriarch St. Joseph / offer Thee this our consecration / and remind us of the same / all the days of our life.

Glory to the Divine Heart of Jesus, / our King and our Father!

7.  The priest here asks those present to say one Our Father and Hail Mary for all the absent members, both living and dead, so that all may share in the graces of the Enthronement.

8.  All recite with the priest (or head of the family) the following:

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Glory be to Thee, / O Sacred Heart of Jesus, / for the infinite mercy / Thou hast bestowed / upon the privileged members of this family. / Thou hast chosen it / from thousands of others, / as a recipient of Thy love / and a sanctuary of reparation / wherein Thy most loving Heart / shall find consolation / for the ingratitude of men. / How great, O Lord Jesus, / is the confusion / of this portion of Thy faithful flock / as we accept the unmerited honour / of seeing Thee preside over our family! / Silently we adore Thee, overjoyed to see Thee sharing / under the same roof / the toils, cares, and joys/of Thy innocent children! / It is true/we are not worthy / that Thou shouldst enter our humble abode, / but Thou hast already reassured us, / when Thou didst reveal Thy Sacred Heart to us, / teaching us to find in the wound of Thy Sacred Side / the source of grace and life everlasting. / In this loving and trusting spirit / we give ourselves to Thee, / Thou who art unchanging Life. / Remain with us, Most Sacred Heart, / for we feel an irresistible desire / to love Thee and make Thee loved.

May our home be for Thee / a haven as sweet as that of Bethany, / where Thou canst find rest / in the midst of loving friends, / who like Mary / have chosen the better part / in the loving intimacy of Thy Heart! / May this home be for Thee, / O beloved Saviour, / a humble but hospitable refuge / during the exile / imposed on Thee by Thine enemies.

Come then, Lord Jesus, come, / for here as at Nazareth, / we have a tender love / for the Virgin Mary / Thy sweet Mother / whom Thou hast given us to be our Mother. / Come, / to fill with Thy sweet presence the vacancies / which misfortune and death / have wrought in our midst.

O most faithful Friend, / hadst Thou been here / in the midst of sorrow, / our tears would have been less bitter; / the comforting balm of peace / would then have soothed these hidden wounds, / which are known to Thee alone. / Come, for even now perhaps, / there is drawing near for us / the twilight of tribulation, / and the decline of the passing days / of our youth and our illusions. / Stay with us, / for already it is late, / and a perverted world / seeks to envelop us / in the darkness of its denials / while we wish to adhere to Thee / who alone art the Way / the Truth / and the Life. / Repeat for us those words / Thou didst utter of old: / “This day I must abide in this home.”

Yes, dear Lord, / take up Thy abode with us, / so that we may live in Thy love / and in Thy presence, / we who proclaim Thee as our King / and wish no other! / May Thy triumphant Heart, O Jesus, / be forever loved, / blessed, / and glorified / in this home! / Thy Kingdom come! Amen.

9.  (All stand) To thank the Immaculate Heart of Mary for the grace of the Enthronement, and to proclaim this loving Mother as the Queen of the home, all recite the Hail, Holy Queen. If so desired, an Act of Consecration to the Heart of Mary may be added, and her image may be installed near the Sacred Heart.

10.  Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: Have mercy on us! (3 times)

Immaculate Heart of Mary: Pray for us.

St. Joseph: Pray for us.

St. Margaret Mary: Pray for us.

(All) Glory to the most Sacred Heart of Jesus forever and ever! Amen.

11. The priest gives his blessing: Benedictio Dei omnipotentis, Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, descendat super vos et maneat semper. Amen. –  May the blessing of Almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, descend upon you and remain forever. Amen.

12. Then the members of the family and the priest sign the certificate of the Enthronement, which should be framed and hung near the image of the Sacred Heart or kept in the family archives.

13. Then are announced the following indulgences to be gained by the members of the family (Raccolta 1943, page 536):

1.  A plenary indulgence under the usual conditions, on the day of die Enthronement.

2.  An indulgence of seven years for all the members of the family who, at least contrite of heart, assist at the ceremony of the Enthronement in their home.

3.  An indulgence of three years – once a year, on the day they renew their official act of consecration before the likeness of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

4.  A plenary indulgence on the same day under the usual conditions.

5.  Note: The CEREMONY of the Enthronement is only the beginning: The following practices of devotion will help you LIVE the Enthrone-ment.
This is the TRUE reign of the Sacred Heart in your family.

Suggested Practices of Devotion

1. Frequent and even daily attendance at Mass by at least one member of the family, and Communion of reparation. Recite the “Mass of St. John” during the day.

2. Observance of the First Friday of each month. (Holy Mass, Communion of reparation [at least spiritual communion if no traditional mass near your home], renewal of act of consecration before enthroned image.)

3. Daily family Rosary before the enthroned image of the Sacred Heart, with renewal of the short act of consecration.

4. Celebration of the Feast of the Sacred Heart by the entire family: attendance at Mass, Communion for the extension of the reign of the Sacred Heart through the Enthronement; family gathering and celebration at home, with renewal of Enthronement; special party for the children.

5. Observe the month of June, the month of the Sacred Heart; keep flowers before the “throne”. Mass and Communion as often as possible.

6. Assist at Holy Hour in church (if there is a true traditional church or chapel near your home. If not: the holy hour can be made at home).

7. Night Adoration in the home. Any hour between 9 and 6, by any one or all the members of the family at least once a month.

8. Celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the 22nd of August. Mass, Communion, consecration of family to the Immaculate Heart.

9. Make the five First Saturdays in reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for the conversion of Russia; holy Mass and Communion of reparation (at least spiritual communion if no traditional mass near yur home); five decades of the Rosary plus a fifteen-minute meditation on the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary. The Rosary and meditation may be carried out at any hour on the First Saturday, a sermon in church will satisfy the obligation of the meditation.

10. Practice devotion to the Holy Ghost. Recite “Chaplet of the Holy Ghost.”

Special occasions on which the family should renew the Act of Consecration

(Prayer of Thanksgiving may be added)

1. Feast of Sacred Heart; Christ the King.

2. Anniversary of the Enthronement

3. Anniversary of parents and children.

4. At births; after baptism in the church; consecrate the children to the Sacred Heart before the “throne” in the home.

5. At First Communion: Prepare the children before the image of the Sacred Heart in the home. When they return from church, let the children renew the act of consecration made for them by parents at birth.

6. Before a departure from home: To join the armed services, enter a convent or seminary, before marriage, etc.

7. On the return of an absent member of family.

8. On days of great family joys, in times of sorrow, sickness, and death.

Note: There is no more appropriate way for a young couple to begin their married life than to enthrone the Sacred Heart in their new home.


Heart of Jesus, praying for those who are at this hour sinning against Thee, I unite myself to Thee.

Heart of Jesus, praying for all tried and tempted souls, I unite myself to Thee.

Heart of Jesus, praying for all Thy holy pontiffs and priests until the end of time, that their “faith may not fail,” I unite myself to Thee.

Heart of Jesus, praying for every afflicted and sorrow-stricken soul, and enduring their sorrows in Thyself, I unite myself to Thee.

Heart of Jesus, uttering Thy loving fiat to every grief Thou shouldst bear for man’s salvation, I unite myself to Thee.

By the fear Thou didst will to endure for us, sanctify our fears of suffering, of death, and of judgment, O Sacred Heart.

By Thy sadness even unto death, – have pity on the souls who are now bowed down with sorrow, and give them grace to say in union with Thee: “My Father, if this chalice may not pass from Me, Thy will, not Mine, be done.”

By Thy thrice-repeated prayer, O Heart of Jesus, give us grace to persevere in prayer amidst our sorrows and temptations.

O Jesus, whose Heart was sick unto death at the vision of the sins which would be committed until the end of time, make known to us all the malice of sin and give us an ever-increasing horror of it for Thy sake.

O Jesus, sweating blood in Thy mortal anguish; may we resist even unto the shedding of our blood rather than ever willfully sin against Thee.

O sorrow of the Heart of Jesus in Gethsemane, I will never forget Thee.

O prayer of the Heart of Jesus in Gethsemane, I will never forget Thee.

O agony of the Heart of Jesus in Gethsemane, I will never forget Thee.

O sweat of blood of Jesus, in Gethsemane, I will never forget Thee. For Thy boundless sorrows, O Heart of Jesus, I desire to console Thee.

For the shame Thou didst feel at the sins of the world which were laid upon Thee, O Jesus, I desire to console Thee.

For the cruel betrayal of Judas which closed this hour of agony, O Heart of my Jesus, I desire to console Thee.

For all the outrages Thou didst receive during this night of Thy Passion, and for the renewal of them now by so many souls through-out the world, O my Jesus, I desire to console Thee.


To Jesus’Heart all burning

With fervent love for men,

My heart with fondest yearning

Shall raise the joyful strain.


While ages course along

Blest be with loudest song,

The Sacred Heart of Jesus

By ev’ry heart and tongue,

The Sacred Heart of Jesus

By ev’ry heart and tongue.

O Heart for me on fire

With love no man can speak,

My yet untold desire,

God gives me for Thy sake. Refrain.

Too true I have forsaken

Thy flock by wilful sin,

Yet now let me be taken

Back to Thy fold again. Refrain.


Immaculate Mary,

Thy praises we sing.

Who reignest in splendour

With Jesus our King.


Ave, Ave, Ave Maria !

Ave, Ave, Ave Maria !

In Heaven the Blessed,

Thy glory proclaim,

On earth we, thy cildren

Invoke thy fair name. Refrain.

Thy name is our power,

Thy virtues our light,

Thy love is our comfort,

Thy pleading our might. Refrain.

We pray for our Mother

The Church upon earth ;

And bless dearest Lady,

The land of our birth. Refrain.


Hail, Holy Queen enthroned above,

O Maria, Hail Mother of Mercy and of love, O Maria.


Triumph all ye Cherubim,

Sing with us ye Seraphim,

Heav’n and earth

Resound the hymn :

Salve, Salve, Salve Regina.

Our life, our sweetness here below,

O Maria.

Our hope in sorrow and in woe, Ô Maria. (Refrain).

Friends and Benefactors Letter number 22, May 2016 – Consoling Our Lord

Letter from the Dominicans of Avrillé

No. 22: May 2016

Chrismal Mass on Holy Thursday

Consoling Our Lord

“And I looked for one that would grieve with me, but there was none: and for one that would console me, and I found none”. In the present time of the Church’s Passion, Our Lord renews this complaint from Psalm 68 (verse 21).  However, how can Our Lord, Who is gloriously reigning in Heaven, be sad and ask for consolers?

Saint Thomas Aquinas provides the answer when he explains the following expression of Saint Paul: “Sadden not the Holy Ghost” (Eph. 4: 30):

“How can this be said, since the Holy Ghost, being God Himself, cannot possess any passion (that is, emotion) or suffer sadness?  Answer: The Holy Ghost is “saddened” when the person in whom He dwells is afflicted, according to the words of Our Lord: “He who despises you, despises Me” (Luke 10:16).  Also, one can say that it is a metaphorical expression, as when one speaks of God’s “anger” in order to designate His avenging justice, which [for God] is not a passion (as it is in us), but a virtue.  Thus, it is said that God is saddened, when He withdraws from the sinner, as a saddened man takes leave of the person who has afflicted him.  As a result, the expression “sadden not the Holy Ghost” signifies: do not drive Him out of your soul by sin.”

Accordingly, we can say that Our Lord Jesus Christ is saddened insofar as the members of His Mystical Body are afflicted, as is presently the case of so many Catholics being persecuted under Islamic, Communist, and Hindu regimes.

Secondly, Our Divine Lord is saddened in the sense that the sins of men cause Him to turn away.  In the prayer of the Act of Contrition, do we not say that sin offends God, or displeases Him?  It is a way of saying that God acts toward the sinner in the same manner as someone who, upon receiving an offense, suffers grief and separates from the person who has given the offense.

Furthermore, Father Garrigou-Lagrange explains:

“If this is true of God considered in His Divine and purely spiritual nature, it is even truer when speaking of Christ’s holy soul […]:  His soul in fact is capable of feeling, and therefore Jesus is truly sensitive to the love which is due to Him, but which many refuse to give.”  [Father Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, OP, in the preface to Élévations sur la prière au CÅ“ur Eucharistique de Jésus – Elevations on the Prayer to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.]

Thus, because Our Lord Jesus Christ is “the Word made flesh” (something which cannot be said of the Father or the Holy Ghost), there is a third reason for His sadness:  while He was on earth, particularly during His agony in the Garden of Olives, Our Lord experienced a veritable sorrow:  “My soul is sorrowful even unto death (Mt 26:38)”.  Now, Our Lord was grieved by the sins of all men, including those being committed today.  Our Lord had a perfect knowledge of all these sins thanks to the “beatific vision” which He possessed from the moment of His conception.

When Our Lord asks us to console Him, He is asking us to comfort Him with respect to this triple sadness:  that of His Mystical Body, by consoling persecuted Christians;  the metaphorical sorrow of His Divinity offended by our sins, by doing penance;  and that of His Sacred Humanity, by sharing in the pains of His agony, especially through the practice of Holy Hours, but also through the meditation of the Rosary, attending Mass, and receiving Holy Communion in reparation:  “Take and drink the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, horribly outraged by ungrateful men.  Make reparation for their crimes, and console your God”  (the angel to the three children of Fatima in 1916).

“We do not console someone effectively unless we participate in his sufferings;  thereby taking a portion of them upon ourselves.  It is certainly an admirable and touching condescendence of Almighty God – the God of all consolation, entirely sufficient to Himself – to want to be in need of us, the same as He chose to be in need of the consoling angel at Gethsemane.  This implies that we must have our share in the sufferings of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, participating, in a certain measure, in the sorrowful life that He led on earth, before we partake of His glorious life in heaven.” [Garrigou-Lagrange, work cited above, page 14.]

This was well understood by little Francisco of Fatima.  Sister Lucy wrote of him as “having no other thought than to console Our Lord and Our Lady, after seeing how sad they were in the visions.”   Sister Lucy writes further:

“One day, I asked him, ‘Francisco, what would you rather do: console Our Lord, or convert sinners so that there will be no more souls going to hell?’  He answered, ‘I prefer to console Our Lord.  Didn’t you see how Our Lady looked so sad last month when she told us that no one should offend Our Lord anymore, because He has already been offended too much?  I would like to console Our Lord and then afterwards convert sinners so that they will no longer offend Him'” (see the Sel de la Terre, #53, pp.232-233).

Today, more than ever, Our Lord is saddened:  by the persecution of Catholics everywhere in the world ─ including the more hidden, subtle persecution taking place in our formerly Christian nations, carried out by secularist propaganda, whose program is to instill atheism in the souls of men;  and by the worldwide revolt “against God and against His Anointed One” (Psalm 2:2) ─ including in His Church, where the modernists “prefer the fables of men” (2 Tim. 4:4) rather than Tradition.

Let us console Our Lord by our efforts to live a truly Catholic life, for example, by not wasting our time with audio-visual entertainments, or with other useless amusements, by fleeing excessive modern-day comforts that only make us soft and lazy, by reading a good catechism or other edifying books, etc.

Community Chronicle

December 31st: The community goes on pilgrimage to one of Anjou’s most hallowed sanctuaries: “Our Lady of Béhuard” situated on an island in the middle of the Loire River.  After Compline, a (growing) number of faithful join us in singing a Te Deum of thanksgiving (with a plenary indulgence).

January 16th:  Mr. François-Xavier Peron gives a conference for the faithful on Pope Francis’ revolutionary “Synod on the Family”.

January 16th – 17th:  Fathers Angelico and Marie-Laurent are in Alsace for a tertiary meeting, followed the next day by Sunday Mass and conferences for the faithful of the Combat for the Faith.  Regular tertiary meetings throughout the year give us the chance to provide Sunday Mass for a growing number of faithful in many different regions:  Paris, Brittany, Alsace, Lyons, Clermont-Ferrand… (Not all these meetings can be mentioned in this short chronicle.)

February 3rd – 4th:  Father Prior and Father Marie-Dominique preach the preparatory retreat to the seminarians of Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort Seminary before their cassock-taking.

February 5thPontifical High Mass and imposition of the cassock by H.E Bishop Faure for six seminarians.

February 21stFathers Marie-Dominique and Reginald lead the boys of the Marian Congregation of our school on a pilgrimage to Pontchâteau, in Brittany, to pray at the famous Calvary of St. Louis-Marie Grignon de Montfort.

February 27thFathers Angelico and Hyacinth-Marie are with the “Our Lady of Fatima Youth Club” for one of the regular outings in the countryside of Anjou.

March 7thFeast of St. Thomas Aquinas, light of the Church and glory of the Dominican Order!   The festivities include a Solemn High Mass and a conference on the method of St. Thomas.  We also have the joy of receiving the visits of Fr. McDonald, Fr. Bruno (U.S.M.L.), and Sr. Marie-Liesse (former SSSPX).

March 24th:  Holy Thursday.  For the first time at the Friary, we are graced with a Chrismal Mass, officiated by H.E. Bishop Faure.  At this Mass, the Bishop consecrates the Holy Oils necessary for the sacraments of Confirmation, Extreme Unction and Holy Orders (and solemn Baptisms) during the coming year.  What an eloquent demonstration of the importance and necessity of the recent episcopal consecrations!  Without Bishops, it is impossible for priests to continue their apostolate, and have their candidates ordained to the priesthood.

March 26th – 27th:  Easter Vigil.  The wind and rain seem to be stirred up by the devil (no doubt angered by the two adults to be purified in the waters of Baptism that night) in order to prevent the blessing of the new fire and the procession with the Easter candle.  Their efforts are to no avail, and the Vigil Mass is celebrated in presence of an unusually large and fervent crowd of faithful.

April 4th – 11th: Fr. Louis-Marie is in Rome for a pilgrimage with the senior class of Saint Thomas Aquinas Boys’ School.  It was an occasion for them to see up close the glories of Eternal Rome, as well as the miseries of Conciliar Rome…

April 12th:  Classes start back up for the schools, the clerical brothers and the seminarians.

April 17thFr. Marie-Laurent, accompanied by two seminarians, mans a booth at the annual assembly of the “French Renewal” patriotic movement, in Paris.  More and more people are worried about the world political situation; our presence at such gatherings allows us to help souls analyze current events under the light of the Faith.

May 5th:  Feast of the Ascension and annual gathering of the alumni of St. Thomas Aquinas Boys’ school.  What a consolation to witness the perseverance of former students, and hear them say “thank you” for the doctrine and apologetics courses they received!

May 13th-15th:  Fr. Angelico and Br. Louis-Bertrand are at Le Puy-en-Velay (France’s oldest Marian Shrine) for the Pentecost pilgrimage of the Combat for the Faith.  In his sermon during the Pontifical High Mass on Sunday, His Excellency Ferreira da Costa (Dom Thomas of Aquinas O.S.B.), recounted how the official recognition of the conciliar church led inevitably to the abandonment of the combat for the Faith in the Barroux monastery (France) and Campos (Brazil).  His conclusion: it is now up to us to continue the fight!

News from our work sites

The installation of the new library is progressing.  One by one, the donated movable bookshelves are being adapted by a local ironsmith to fit the rails on the floor.

A large part of the stone wall protecting the property having collapsed, “Eddy”, our maintenance man (a professionally trained mason), is doing a beautiful job in restoring it with the help of a few of the high school boys, happy to learn the trade.

Stone wall under repair. In the foreground we see the beginning of the foundations of a future wood shop for the boys’ school.


A few overdue projects to accomplish:

-The paving of the parking lot and two entrance roads, which have been seriously deteriorated over the years by the steady increase of traffic (daily drop-offs and pick-ups for the school children, three Sunday Masses, as well as other various parish activities).

– New buildings for the Friary workshop.  For the moment, the lay brothers work in temporary barracks built by the US army in 1945, and we’re not sure how long they will remain standing. (A wood shop for the boys’ school is also planned).

-The refurbishing of the Chapter room; in particular, the installation of a worthy altar for the daily Masses which are celebrated there.


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For more information :

Couvent de la Haye-aux-Bonshommes

49240 Avrillé, France