Practical Devotion to our dear Guardian Angel

Practical Devotion to our dear Guardian Angel

by Rev. Fr Pius. CP.

Choose one day of each month to honour your own good Angel Guardian; receive Holy Communion in his honour on that day, and hav­ing employed at least one quarter-of-an-hour after Communion in thanksgiving, reflect upon the great goodness of God, Whom you possess within you.  Who knowing your weakness and the danger to which you are exposed both in soul and body and the difficulty you have of defending yourself against your enemies, has appointed over you one of His Angels, who are the princes of His Heavenly Court, and has given him orders to assist and defend you and never to leave you as long as your soul dwells in your body.  Return His Divine Majesty most humble thanks for so great a favour, and admire the value he sets on your soul since He thus employs an angel in your service.  Then with much piety address yourself to your own dear Angel Guardian.  Thank him for accepting the charge of you, and since on his part he promises you four things and faithfully per­forms them, do you be as faithful in your performance as he is in his.

  1. He promises never to abandon you.
  2. To cherish and love you as a child of God, bought with His Precious Blood, and designed for the same glory he enjoys.
  3. To guard both your body and soul, and to procure what is best for both.
  4. To continue his care of you at all times and places until your soul is separated from your body.


On your part promise him also four things, and beg his assistance in performing them.

  1. A great reverence for him, and neither to think, say, or do anything deliberately that may displease him.
  2. A tender devotion to him loving him as your brother and best of friends, and endeavouring to increase his accidental joy in Heaven by the holiness of your life upon earth.
  3. A great confidence in his protection over you, and to have recourse to him as a child goes to the arms of its mother, in all difficulties, imploring his help frequently.
  4. To persevere in these duties till our last breath.


This contract being made between your good Angel and you, beg our dear Lord, Whom you have received, to bestow His benediction upon it.  Then retire in company of your most faithful Angel, and in time to time enter­tain yourself with him during the rest of the day. Sometimes thank him for all the good services he has done you from the day of your birth, when he first began to take care of you until this present moment, reflecting on the chief ones, and next to God, attributing them to him.

Sometimes ask his pardon for having passed so many years of your life without thinking of him, for having so often saddened him by your imperfections, and for so sel­dom having recourse to him in your necessities, or thanking him for his benefits.

At other times open your heart to him, declaring openly your wants and begging him to solicit God on your behalf.  Ask him to give you light in your doubts, help in dangers, comfort in your afflictions, victory over your enemies, and his particular assistance at the hour of your death.

Moreover during the day address yourself to him by aspirations; and, if time will permit, perform some devotion in his honour, or say his Office, Litanies, or some colloquies or other prayers, etc.