Menzingen’s avowal

Menzingen’s avowal

by Dom Thomas Aquinas OSB
March 22, 2015

The March 19th communiqué from Menzingen, although brief, informs us of a good number of things. Among them is the admission that Bishop Williamson was expelled from the SSPX for his opposition to the rallying policy of Bishop Fellay.

Up until now, Menzingen spoke of disobedience: Bishop Williamson was undisciplined, a bad subordinate who does not obey orders. Now Menzingen admits the real reason: “the violent criticisms” of Bishop Williamson concerning Menzingen’s relations with Rome. The same goes for Bishop Faure. That is their crime.

The incident of the letter written by the three bishops to Bishop Fellay and his assistants was not appreciated at all. Archbishop Lefebvre certainly had relations with Rome, but in the hope that Rome would correct itself and would come back. In fact, it was Archbishop Lefebvre who directed the negotiations with invincible certitude because his criterion was the Faith of All Times. Even so, he himself nearly fell into Rome’s trap. “I went too far”, he said.

But with Bishop Fellay, things are handled very differently. It is not he who directs the negotiations. It is not he who has the strength to say to Rome: “It is I, the accused, who should judge you.” No, Bishop Fellay does not present himself as judging the errors of Rome. Rather, he presents himself as being the guiltyparty, labouring under “an irregular situation, who needs to “fall into line”, but who’s having a hard time doing so because “his Society does not follow him.

Let us digress for a moment. Are we to judge Rome? Is that not the role of the superiors rather than of the inferiors? Of course. But it is the superiors who have already judged. It is Quanta Cura, Pascendi, Quas Primas, etc. that condemn the liberal popes. It is Rome, the Eternal Rome, that has already judged the neo-modernist and neo-Protestant Rome. That is what Bishop Fellay seems to want to forget (and make others forget) with his “concrete Church of today“. End of digression.

Bishop Williamson blocked Menzingen’s moves. He was a hindrance. Everyone knew it, but the General House gave another version. Now they admit it. “The violent criticisms of Bishop Williamson against Operation Suicide were the cause of his expulsion. It was about time Menzingen said it. Now it is done.

However, Menzingen falsifies the matter by saying that these violent criticisms were about “all relations with the Roman authorities. No. This is not true. They concern the rallying that would put the SSPX under the modernist and liberal yoke used by the devil to try to achieve what Corção called “the final sin: to bring down the last bastions in an ultimate and monumental offensive against God.

Under no circumstances will we support this effort. The devil will not achieve his goal because Our Lady is keeping watch: Ipsa conteret. This is our hope. It will not be in vain if we are faithful, by the grace of God: Fidelis inveniatur.

Sweetness and Bitterness in Menzingen

Sweetness and Bitterness in Menzingen

By Amicus Romanus ; Translation provided by Michael Fuller

From the same mouth bitterness and gall and sweetness and honey is emitted, but not in the same direction.

– Towards Bishop Williamson and Bishop Faure,it’s all bitterness.

– Towards Conciliar Rome,it’s all sweetness.

The communiqué from Menzingen regarding the March 19th consecration offers a truly impressive contrast.

PART I: Only bitterness!

Joseph’s brothers could not speak peaceably to him, as much as they looked on (Genesis 37:4). From Menzingen, don’t expect one single kindhearted word of recognition or of charity towards Bishop Williamson or Bishop Faure, after their decades of good, loyal service. Menzingen only thinks of denouncing them: “The SSPXdenouncesthe episcopal consecration of Rev. Fr. Faure”. At least this is clear, but why this denunciation? What is reprehensible in this consecration? This is something much more sinister. A very strong animosity is felt, but many rational arguments are not discerned. And even worse: it tastes of bitterness! Menzingen seems unable to speak objectively simply respecting thefactsabout the two bishops.At all costs, they must deform and dirty the intentions, dirty the reputation of people. The tendency seems unstoppable.

1. “Against any relations…

First example: the relations with Rome. Everyone knows that Bishop Williamson and Bishop Fellay oppose each other on this point. The former estimates (whether he is right or not is not the question here) that the latter lacks the necessary strength to decidedly oppose -face to face- the errors of the Roman authorities; instead of impressing his interlocutors -like Archbishop Lefebvre- by frontally reminding them of the inopportune truths, he lets himself be impressed by them.

More fundamentally, the opposition is about thefinalityof the negotiations. For Bishop Williamson, there is only one objective: that the Roman authorities abjure from all the modernist and liberal errors and everything that has resulted. Meanwhile, Bishop Fellay dreams of a canonical recognition, even before the conversion of the authorities.

All of this is notoriously public. The question is not to knowif it is necessaryor not to discuss with Rome, buthow and with what finalityto go about with these discussions.

Menzingen could easily say it in one word: Bishop Fellay and Bishop Williamson differ regarding the discussions with Rome. This is clear, simple, true, and perfectly objective. But no! Menzingen could not be resolved to call it how it is. The necessity to dirty the reputation was too violent. Distrusting the evidence, Menzingen declared that Bishop Williamson and Bishop Faure are:

“againstany relationwith the Roman authorities”.

But they have explicitly declared the contrary (stillon the eve of the consecration), but that doesn’t count. Apparently, Menzingen knows more about what the bishops themselves think!

2. “It is not at all comparable…”

Second example: the comparison between the 1988 consecration and the 2015 consecration. The differences and similarities can be argued a long time. 1 At least it is unarguable that thenatureofthe act is the same. There was a paternal link (through Bishop Williamson, Archbishop Lefebvre is now the “grandfather in episcopacy” of Bishop Faure). Archbishop Lefebvre himself had contemplated consecrating Jean-Michel Faure. Thestate of necessityin the Churchhas not diminished since 1988. Finally, Bishop Williamson has the same discourse that Archbishop Lefebvre had at the time.

Different circumstances of times, places, or manner can always be disputed, but Menzingen doesn’t even attempt it. Their communiqué simply declares that “the episcopal consecration of Fr. Faure isnot at allcomparable with the consecrations of 1988″. You read that right:not at all.

Among all the ways of criticizing the 2015 consecration, Menzingen chose the most expedient, the most extreme, the most insupportable, to reject as a whole. “It isnot at allcomparable.” It is integral negationism.

3. “All the declarations…

We approach the apex. And here finally:

“All the declarations of Bishop Williamson and Rev. Fr. Faure prove abundantly that they no longer recognize the Roman authorities”.

This is the accusation that kills: sedevacantism! An outright accusation alleged without even a minimal, faint shadow of a doubt. We are very far from interrogative-negative formulas or from the dimmed allusions of Bishop Fellay when he tries to emit reserves about Pope Francis (we don’t understand…”, “We have the impression…”). Here Menzingen understands very well and is certain. This confession was not made once, by surprise or by halfhearted words, it’s in “all the declarations” of the wicked bishops. Yes all of the declarations! Faith in Menzingen!

Moreover, Menzingen realizes that there might be, among the readers of the communiqué, some readers of Bishop Williamson that can be a little surprised because they have read exactly the opposite. Not only does Bishop Williamson recognize the Roman authorities, but he has frequently arguedagainstsedevacantism (and in a more convincing way than Bishop Fellay, who is content with presenting as a scarecrow).

Those who have read Fr. Faure (notably the interview before his consecration) can experience the same surprise, and even think that good Bishop Fellay lies, or at least that he says just about anything.

Happily, the bile reserve has not run dry. To prevent against any embarrassing question, it is sufficient to accuse them, Bishop Williamson and Bishop Faure, of lying. All of their declarations affirm that they recognize the Roman authorities? It doesn’t matter! It is simply that they don’t believe what they say. They are only words in the air, empty, rhetorical spins. And Menzingen, which really knows better than what the bishops themselves are thinking, finishes:

Allthe declarations […] prove abundantly that they no longer recognize the Roman authorities, except in a purely rhetorical manner”. [formatting emphasis is ours]

This is what we call, in good French, a judgment of intention. It is the preferred tactic of subversives (communists, masons, etc.), because it is very difficult to counteract. You all can respond however you like, it matters little, because we have put forward the principle that you all do not really believe what you say. State ten times that you recognize the Roman authorities, undertake the work of refuting the sedevacantist arguments: we content ourselves with responding that your insistence on this point is suspicious and confirms, once more, that you all don’t absolutely recognize the mentioned authorities “except in a purely rhetorical manner”.

A simple question for Bishop Fellay: Conscientiously and before God, is it truly correct that this polemical procedure is in complete conformity with the Gospel?

PART II: Only sweetness!

But the most impressive is the contrast.

After all, Menzingen could be suffering from a toothache or had a bad night when they wrote up their communiqué. This could explain the bitterness.

But the gall?

Well, reread attentively: is it not evident that they have left out from this communiqué any expression that could constitute a minimal possibility of risk of displeasing conciliar Rome?

1. “State of necessity” without an identifiable cause.

“The Society of St. Pius X still maintains that the present state of necessity renders legitimate its action throughout the world”.

–But where does this state of necessity come from? It seems to float in the air without a cause and without an explanation other than the evil of the times. Menzingen mentions it as if it verifies the rain or the sun and does not remember even once that the harm comes firstly from the pope and the Holy See that propagate, since 50 years ago, mortal errors to souls.

– Shush! Shush! Warning! You are going to offend Rome!

2. The limited bishops and the administering of the sacraments.

Archbishop Lefebvre consecrated bishops so that they could ordain priests, this is certain, but also to defend the faith and combat thecurrenterrors, moreover, the modernist and liberal errors spread by the conciliar hierarchy.

Apparently, this has ended. For Menzingen, the bishops must no longer combat the errors. The communiqué explains that Archbishop Lefebvre consecrated bishops in 1988 and:

“his sole goal was to make available to the faithful the sacraments which priests ordained by the bishops would offer”. [formatting emphasis is ours]

“[T]he sole goal”: the state of necessity in the Church is limited to the sacraments- and what about the doctrinal crisis? What about the errors of conciliar Rome, the neo-modernist and neo-protestant tendency so frequently denounced by Archbishop Lefebvre?

-Shush! Shush! Warning! You are going to offend Rome!

3. Errors that “Who knows from whence they come”?

Nevertheless, there are errors. Menzingen indicates that it is necessary toopposethem. In its martial fit of rage, the communiqué goes all the way to valiantly declaring that the Society must oppose the errors “from wherever they may come”! And just from where do they come? They won’t tell us anything else!

-Shush! Shush! Warning! You are going to offend Rome!

Bishop Fellay, accused by Bishop Williamson of gleaming in front of conciliar Rome, should have taken advantage of the occasion to prove otherwise. Some words against the neo-modernist and neo-protestant Rome would have been particularly adequate. The very situation even seemed to require it. But no! Not a single word. Bishop Williamson and Bishop Faure are scorned, but modernist Rome isin no waydenounced.

And regarding this, one of the two applies:

  • Either: whoever is responsible for the communiqué from Menzingen was (a suspected plotter and) is a secret ally of Bishop Williamson, and he treacherously works to discredit Bishop Fellay – publishing, in his name, communiqués crafted liberally (sickly-sweet for the enemies of the faith, bitter for its defenders).
  • Or: the communiqué really expresses the way Bishop Fellay thinks, and so the joy that Archbishop Pozzo promptly directed to the SSPX for this beautiful communiqué is understood.

P.S. Secondary consideration

It is curious that Menzingen always expresses itself as if thestate of necessitythat afflicts the Church was its own territory or its private property. Only the SSPX can seemingly invoke it in order to justify its apostolate.

Lastly, Menzingen seems to attribute to itself a supreme,extraordinaryjurisdiction almost like the pope exercises the supremeordinaryjurisdiction. This perspective would explain the reason that Menzingen believes it is authorized to “denounce” the consecration of Bishop Faure: an attempt against its Monopoly.

If this is not the case, well then what is it? A personal prelature already agreed upon by Rome-secretly- to Bishop Fellay?

The sermon of Bishop Williamson for the Episcopal Consecration of Fr. Faure

The sermon of Bishop Williamson for the Episcopal Consecration of Fr. Faure

Translated by Michael ( [email protected] )

Pictures compliments of


In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.Amen.

Forgive me that I do not speak Portuguese. I have to speak Spanish instead, and I hope that all will be able to understand. For this very great feast day of St. Joseph who, after the Most Holy Virgin, is the greatest of all Catholic saints, and is Patron of the Church – well I had not thought particularly in this, but the fact is there – it is for this feast of the Patron of the Church that we meet here today to look after the consecration of what I suppose we call the Resistance.

Brothers and sisters, the fact is that the Truth, the Truth of God, the Truth of Christ, the Truth of the Church, is today in grave danger. In the first place, of course, there is the 2nd Vatican Council. The fact is that, since already some centuries ago, the enemies of God were preparing a new world, what we call today the New World Order. It’s a completely different world. And they want this to take the place of the world of God. It is God who created nature and who created all of these things. It is not man. God is the Creator of man and the Master of the Universe. The Master of masters, the Lord of lords, the King of kings is God and not man. Saint PiusX said that “the grave problem of the modern world is that it wants to substitute God.” It is true. It wants to take the place of God. And so, after some centuries, in the beginning, the Church and the popes could not withstand this treachery but the world has constantly handed itself over more and more to the ‘glory of man’ and has tried to snatch away the glory of God.

And finally being surrounded by these enemies, the churchmen, at the Second Vatican Council tried to change the religion of God; and the contamination was there so deeply that the great majority of bishops in the Council went along with trying to end Tradition. Incredible! – but not incredible for someone that understands just how profound the corruption of the modern world is. This corruption has even penetrated inside the Church; and the great majority of churchmen have fallen, particularly the popes: John XXIII, PaulVI and the popes after the Council, John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and now Pope Francis who is the most evidently revolutionary of all of these popes but has participated with the very same principles of his predecessors since the Council. It is like saying that deep down Pope BenedictXVI is just as revolutionary as Francis, but with Francis only it is much more evident. His subjective intentions within him, only God can judge, but objectively, objectively they are traitors of the true religion of God.

There was one bishop that resisted and remained faithful and today in particular all that are here today appreciate him very much: his character and his faith, his fidelity to Our Lord, Our Lord of the true religion of God: Archbishop Lefebvre of course. And without him we would not be here today. It is evident. And what he did at the end with his resistance was exactly his consecration of 4 bishops in 1988. And when he preached in that ceremony, he said that what we are doing here is “Operation Survival” instead of “Operation Suicide”. If we had made a compromise with the Second Vatican Council, if we had made this compromise, we would have committed the suicide of the resistance to it. So that our resistance, the good resistance to the lie, the good resistance to the lie and the resistance that maintains the Truth, we must never forget this. And he was saying that if we also make this compromise with the Council, it would be Operation Suicide, and instead we consecrate bishops to secure Operation Survival of the Faith, of the Truth, in a world of lies where there is no truth, in a world of lies, deceit, treachery, we commit the act of consecrating bishops to defend the Truth, for the reason of defending the Truth. If the Catholic Faith was not the true, we would not be Catholics, the reason is that it is the Truth, and the Truth, of course, is the Faith, the Catholic Faith.

And today what are we doing? It is nothing more than the extension in modern times, that is 25 years later, the extension of Operation Survival. It is nothing more. It is like saying in a certain sense: we are only repairing the emergency light of Archbishop Lefebvre. There was the Church with its great human, electronic light, and this light was turned off, and Archbishop Lefebvre turned on the emergency light, and now with the SSPX, today the Society is also giving in to the compromise of the Second Vatican Council. They want to associate themselves, or they want to be united with the Romans, they want to follow the Romans. The Society has not yet died, it is not yet dead, but it is dying on the road, it is headed down. Maybe it will leave this path and return to the path of Archbishop Lefebvre, that is the way of defending Truth. That it may return to defend the Truth. But so many men today have lost the Truth and it is the fundamental element of the crisis of the modern world. Men have lost the sense of the Truth. Because Truth is the correspondence between my soul and reality, and modern man lives his virtual life in a bourgeois way. All of these phones and technology have created a plastic, artificial world, and the sense of the Truth is lost! There is a lack of peasants with sane judgement to live through what is to come. And what is being done by the Church today, today the falsehood; and the way that the Society wants to take is a falsehood. But they do not see it. They do not see it. So we have to play the role of repairers of the emergency light. It is not a glorious role! We do not save the Church! We do not have that pretension. In no way whatsoever do we have the pretension of saving the Church. No, no, no! Only God can save His Church today and He will do it. And in His time and His terms. But up until now God is purifying His Church, and He wants us to do what we can to save and maintain the treasures of the Church in order to be able to hand them over once more when the churchmen will have been truly corrected and enlightened by God. And He will do it but probably by means of an unimaginable chastisement because the momentum of the grave reality, of destitution, of the grave world of modern man is only leaving reality and if it doesn’t happen, everything remains a dream, a dreamworld. And so we do what we can.

We are thankful to Father prior, Fr. Thomas Aquinas OSB, for this beautiful ceremony, and this makeshift, metal cathedral. Such a great improvisation. And that is how it is said, where there is a will, there is a way. And if we desire to remain faithful to God, He will find us in the right path. It is impossible that God abandons souls that have not abandoned Him. That means that it is not God that abandons us. It can only be us if we abandon Him. That God may impede it! We are thankful to Father. We are thankful to the sisters that have worked so much to constitute this improvised cathedral. We are thankful to the monks that have also worked so hard to help bring about this ceremony and have done very well. And that is how it is.

Tomorrow and after tomorrow maybe there will be more treachery, so very possible, if things continue as they are headed, it is very possible, but it does not matter. Each day keep going. Today we will continue being faithful and we are very thankful for all who have come, some from very far away. Forgive me that we did not want to publicize the fact beforehand, but we wanted to secure and protect the ceremony. We wanted to protect the ceremony from any impediments that could have arisen because not everyone likes this ceremony. It is very evident. And we actually expect that the devil detests this ceremony. So then the devil has many servants, and they might have been able to impede this ceremony. We could have waited and asked for a sign from Divine Providence like Archbishop Lefebvre did in 1988. In particular, for me it seems that the Church can not substitute bishops that can ordain priests and confirm adults and children.

So then, in the political situation of today of which the 3rd world war can come about at any moment, with some recent news from my country, England, that weapons of mass destruction have been prepared a long time ago to be dropped on Russia. It is madness! Madness. But men are insane and these liberals have the instinct of suicide, and the third world war is a ceramic product of this instinct of suicide. And it will come about, and when it happens, it is absolutely unable to know how the events will play out. And in this case, to only ordain and confirm seems to me to be something irresponsible. The world is not calm. It is very unstable and destabilized. We do not know how things will turn out. So then without publicity, without looking for glory in any way whatsoever, without wanting to gain attention from the world, in contrast, at least myself, I want only to hide from the limelight after this ceremony as much as possible without any pretension whatsoever. We are doing this in order to defend the Church.

Beloved faithful, beloved priests, and there are even priests from afar, the United States for example, others from all over Latin America, we pray to Saint Joseph, the great Saint Joseph so that he aids us, he who is most faithful, his example of faithfulness and protection and of lack of publicity, we don’t want publicity, do the best that one can do. We ask Saint Joseph that everyone, each one of us according to his vocation in life, understands how to remain faithful and strictly to the Son of God and His Most Holy Mother, the Most Holy Virgin.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the HolyGhost. Amen.

An interview with Bishop Williamson immediately after the ceremony of the consecration of Bishop Faure

An interview with Bishop Williamson immediately after the ceremony of the consecration of Bishop Faure

Translated by Michael ( [email protected] )

Pictures compliments of

Did the priests support you regarding this consecration?

Sermon of Bishop Williamson at the 2015 consecration of Bishop Faure
Sermon of Bishop Williamson at the 2015 consecration of Bishop Faure

Yes, there was a group of priests from Latin America and the United States and elsewhere. There are priests that understand, they are not numerous, but they have courage; they have faith, and are determined to continue in the right direction.

What made you decide to perform the consecration at this moment?

Each day it became more reasonable with the threat of war, which is nearly upon us now, and has already been twice avoided with Syria and Ukraine, and the criminal West continues to provoke the Russians. The moment may arise when Putin will say enough is enough and decide to attack.

Your Excellency, already the voices have begun to cry out that say you and Bishop Faure are excommunicated, what can you tell us about that?

Truth is more important than authority. The authority exists to serve the Truth, and unfortunately, the Roman authorities abandon the Truth more and more each day thanks to the Council. So their punishment and censures have no force; they are meaningless.

What are the qualities of Bishop Faure that caused you to consider consecrating him a Bishop?

He is calm, experienced. He is older but a bit younger than me, 73. Also, he is intelligent and has the Faith. He also has the experience from the revolution because he fled Algeria in his youth. He lost everything because of this revolution and experienced the treachery of General De Gaulle, so he understands the modern world.

Many of the young priests have almost no experience with the modern world or the Revolution, so they do not perfectly understand the evil. For example, Bishop Fellay does not understand at all what the temptations and dangers of Vatican II are, or its effort to embrace the modern world. He does not understand it and neither do many of the other priests of the Society. They are too young, and Bishop Faure, is a veteran with experience enough to avoid this trap of ignorance of what the modern Church, the modern world and everything else actually is.

The headquarters of Bishop Faure will be France. Will you continue to visit America as before?

This is what we expect to be the case, although events may decide otherwise. Bishop Faure’s heart is in Latin America, and he could possibly return to Latin America very often. That is most likely how it will be.

Your Excellency, will there be more consecrations?

It is quite possible. This time it was done very discreetly, but the next time there will be more than one consecration and it will be made public with plenty of time in advance.

Will the next consecrations be in Brazil?

No, it would probably have to be in Europe. Thank God that we have Brazil for this first consecration to take place, because it is far away from Europe and many of Europe’s problems. Now I’m no longer the only bishop and so the danger is not as great.

Do you expect a condemnation of this consecration from the Society?

I hope they do not, because it would be an evil, and I do not wish evil to the Society.

A Society priest has recently said that the Resistance is a group of dissidents with no future.

Of course, that’s also what they said about Archbishop Lefebvre. But things are not judged according to the positions of men; they are fallible and can easily be deceived.

Another accusation is that we are full of pride.

They also accused Archbishop Lefebvre of being full of pride. But defending the Truth and proclaiming that the Truth is above all men, that is not pride; it is humility. Above all there is an objective truth, moreover Our Lord as man says many times in the Gospel of St. John;”I have come not to do My will, but the will of My Father.” So then Our Lord as man is below something that is above Him. He is humble. And He said to the Pharisees:”If I spoke like you who do not know the Truth, I would be a liar.” If I reduce my statements, I would be a liar. If I reduce my claims, my requirements, it would be like revolting against the Father. The requirements, the absolute comes from the Father. For all of us – even Jesus Christ as man.

URGENT MESSAGE: Episcopal Consecration today of Fr. Faure, by Bishop Williamson

Why a Consecration in 2015?

by Dom Thomas Aquinas OSB, superior of the Monastery of Santa Cruz, Brazil

Why a consecration in 2015?

Because the situation remains essentially the same as in 1988. Modernist Rome, which manifested itself at the Council, remains in place and becomes more and more modernist and liberal. The profound perversion of the mind is only intensifying.

But why not wait for the Society of St. Pius X to give us bishops?

Because the authorities of the Society have taken a new direction in relations with Rome.

Do you mean to say that the Society has abandoned the true faith or the fight for the faith?

I mean to say that the leaders of the Society have gradually in recent years, and especially since 2011 and 2012, taken a new direction in their relations with Rome.

But the question is whether or not the Society has abandoned the fight for the faith. What do you think?

The particularity of liberals is inconsistency. The current leaders of the Society have made the fight of the Society inconsistent. The healthy part of the Society is trying to fight this battle as in the past, but the dominant wing, its Superior General at the top with Fr. Pfluger, persecute those who want to continue this fight as before.

Do you have any proof of that?

It is all too abundant. The refusal to ordain the Dominican and Capuchin candidates at the appointed time in 2012 is one. The Benedictines of Bellaigue were also threatened. But much more serious and significant was the scandalous expulsion of Bishop Williamson, preceded by the order to cease the Eleison Comments. In fact Menzingen does not tolerate us opposing its new orientation. Menzingen does not want us to publicly continue the fight for the faith as before, following Archbishop Lefebvre and Bishop de Castro Mayer. The district priests are closely monitored and their articles cannot be published without quite strict permission.

But what harm is there in that? Every institution must monitor what is being said in its name!

Not like that. We must punish those who write against the Catholic faith, but not install a regime like the one Bishop Fellay already did. In addition, those with a liberal tendency have broad permission to write, while the book of Father Pivert is removed from sale. Le Sel de la Terre is frowned upon and removed from press stands. The most faithful priests are disavowed or even punished or expelled. Unfortunately, examples abound. The list is already long enough, while the GREC was able to work peacefully and Father Pflüger gives his scandalous interviews without being disturbed.

But there are good articles in Le Chardonnet, for example. Isn’t it wrong to say that the anti-liberals are persecuted in the Society?

Yes, there are still some good articles in Le Chardonnet, and not only in Le Chardonnet. Unfortunately, this is far from preventing the accordist tendency of Menzingen to move forward.

Do you mean, basically, that Menzingen is betraying the fight for the faith?

Yes, Menzingen is betraying the fight for the faith. That is why a consecration has become necessary to assure the continuity of the work of Archbishop Lefebvre, especially as Bishop Fellay now refuses to ordain candidates opposed to his policy, as is the case for several religious communities of men to whom he also refuses the Holy Oils (necessary to baptize children and give extreme unction to the dying).

“We continue,” very simply, as Archbishop Lefebvre used to say. And we believe that good Catholics support us from the bottom of their heart. If we seem to be too hard towards Menzingen, take the time to go through the long series of events that have marked the history of Tradition in recent years and you will see that the two most combative bishops of Tradition were, one, expelled from the Society, the other, silenced, at least in part. Added to this are the iniquitous trials of Fr. Pinaud and Fr. Salenave, and still so many facts.

What do you think about the candidate chosen?

He was chosen by Archbishop Lefebvre in 1988. He proposed another name. It is to his credit. Today he accepts this heavy burden. We are deeply grateful to him. To conclude, let us also and especially give our gratitude to Bishop Williamson who knew how to protect and transmit the legacy received from the hands of Archbishop Lefebvre and Bishop de Castro Mayer, which is none other than the deposit of the faith entrusted by Our Lord to the Apostles.

A final appeal: Read the works ofArchbishop Lefebvre. Everything is there. Read also the Eleison Comments to understand the seriousness of the current evil. Corçâo said: “Only the saints believe in evil.” Deep words which are a warning. May Our Lady help us to see the evil where it is, to work with her, she who has always crushed the head of the infernal serpent. “Ipsa conteret.” That is the motto of Bishop Jean-Michel Faure. May Our Lady bless him and protect him “ad multos annos”.

March 18, 2015