Saint Paul VI ?
By Dominicus
After the recognition of the the “heroic virtues” of Pope Paul VI by Benedict XVI on December 20, 2012, and the pretend beatification by Pope Francis on Sunday, October 19, 2014, his pretend canonization took place on Sunday, October 14, 2018. A new false canonization, after that of popes John XXIII and John-Paul II.
To be beatified or canonized, a pope must have exercised heroic Christian virtues not only as a Christian, but also as pope. But, far from having exercised exemplary virtues, Pope Paul VI is among those who have contributed the most, along with the Popes John XXIII and John Paul II, to the self-destruction of the Church.
Let us begin by recalling some facts regarding his pontificate, then we will give some documentation.
List of facts regarding Paul VI
1. The first list of facts is found in the book by Msgr. Lefebvre, Le coup de maître de Satan [The Masterstroke of Satan]1 :
A list of facts that, taken separately, can seem insignificant, but which, seen in the light of the new humanism, take on an astonishing meaning :
– Visit to the UN and support of this Masonic organization and enemy of all that is Catholic. [October 4, 1965, with a humanistic speech ( “What you are proclaiming here are the basic rights and duties of man, his dignity, his liberty and above all his religious liberty. We feel that you are spokesmen for what is loftiest in human wisdom.”) and pacifistic ( “never again war, never again war !” ) ]
– Visit to the worship hall of the UN, a true Masonic temple. [The same day Paul VI entered the « meditation room », a Masonic sanctuary in the center of which there is “an altar for a faceless God”.]
– Renunciation of the tiara, sign of the power of the pontificate. [November 13, 1964, Paul VI placed the tiara on the altar, in full council before all the bishops of the entire world, giving it up definitively.]
– Refusal to condemn communism at the Council.
– Embarrassing presence of observers of all religions at the sessions of the Council.
– Nomination of four moderators.
– Intervention by a woman at the Council.
– Trip to the State of Israel. Contact with the Chief Rabbi.
– Hugging Athenagoras, the Orthodox patriarch, with the lifting of his excommunication. Athenagoras had a Masonic funeral. [During his trip in the Holy Land on January 6, 1964, on the Mount of Olives, Paul VI hugged Athenagoras I, a 33rd degree Mason. This was the first meeting between a pope and a patriarch since the Council of Florence (1439). At the pope’s initiative, he and the patriarch together blessed the audience.]
– Intervention against the CÅ“tus Internationalis Patrum [group of conservative bishops, among them : Archbishop Lefebvre and Bishop de Castro-Mayer], but support of the liberal cardinals.
– At St. Paul Outside the Walls, the handing over of the the papal ring to Ramsey, Anglican “archbishop” of Canterbury – in fact, a layman2, Mason, and heretic. Blessing given with the Pope to the whole present Church : cardinals, bishops, clergy, etc. [This took place March 23, 1966.]
– Visit to Bogotà to support the claims of the “camperinos” and indirectly of the “guerillas”.
– Visit to the Philippines to arrive at Hong Kong where a pro-communist speech was to be given, but it was forbidden by the governor of Hong Kong.
– Decree for mixed marriages, without a requirement for Catholic baptism of the children.
– Nomination of a commission for the birth control pill, expecting it to take two years to decide !
– Decree on “Eucharistic hospitality” permitting Protestants to receive the Eucharist.
– Secretariat for unity with pro-Lutheran declarations.
– Secretariat for non-Christians.
– Suppression of holy days of obligation.
– Suppression of the Eucharistic fast.
– Suppression of abstinence.
– Permission of Saturday Masses for Sunday.
– Permission of cremation.
– Concelebration of Anglican pastors in the Vatican.
– Blessing of dancing and screaming Pentecostals at St. Peter’s.
– Kissing the feet of the Orthodox.
– Sending the flag of Lepanto back to the Muslims.
– Sending the head of St. James to the Orthodox.
And all the big reforms :
– Liturgical reforms.
– Reform of the seminaries.
– Democratization of the institutions : synod of bishops at Rome ;
– episcopal conferences without a precise delimiting of power ; diocesan priestly councils.
– Reform of the Roman Curia and especially of the Holy Office.
– Reform of the nomination of bishops.
– Revision and modernization of all the Constitutions of religious societies.
– Obligatory resignation of bishops at 75 years of age.
– Ousting of cardinals from the Conclave at 80 years of age3.”
2. To this impressive list, one can add other acts.
a) First, some facts taken from the book by Albert Briault and Pierre Fautrad, Le Ralliement de Rome à la Révolution4 [Rallying Rome to the Revolution]:
– Gift of the cross and ring to the Buddhist U’Thant [Secretary General of the UN].
– Wearing of the Ephod of the Jewish high priest alongside the pectoral cross.
– Communal prayer at the C.O.E. at Geneva.
– Participation in an ecumenical celebration in Sydney.
– Abolition of the minor orders and the subdiaconate.
– Systematic replacement of faithful bishops with progressive, even communist ones.
– Replacement of curacies and vicarages with “priestly teams“.
– Suppression of the Anti-Modernist Oath.
– Heretical, ecumenical translations of Holy Scripture.
– Heretical Dutch catechism circulated everywhere.
– Catholic universities and major seminaries become homes of heresy.
– Almost complete liberty left to the perverters (both clergy and laity) of the children and youth, in the schools and even churches.
b) Let us add some facts taken from the prolific, but not always well-referenced studies of Fr. Luigi Villa 5:
– On March 20, 1965, Paul VI received an audience of the directors of the Rotary Club, a Masonic organization, and said that the motto (“friendship and culture“) of this para-Masonic group was good, that their method (periodic festive meetings) was good, and finally that the ends (professional needs, progress of the culture, friendly relations between men and the nations) were good 6
– Paul VI wanted Giordano Gamberini (1915-2003) 7 to be part of the steering committee of the Bibbia Concordata 8. Gamberini was grandmaster of the Grand Orient of Italy, one of the founders and “bishop”, under the name of Tau Julianus, of the Italian Gnostic Church. Gamberini was responsible for the translation of the Gospel of St. John. He later wrote the funeral eulogy of Paul VI in La Rivista Massonica9:
To us, it is the death of him who made the condemnation [of Freemasonry] of Clement XII and of his successors fall. That is, it is the first time – in the history of modern Freemasonry – that the Head of the greatest Western religion dies not in a state of hostility with the Freemasons. […] F or the first time in history, the Freemasons can pay respect to the tomb of a Pope, without ambiguities or contradiction 10.
– On June 2, 1971, Paul VI received a public audience, at the Vatican, of the members of the “Masonic Lodge” of the B’nai B’rith, and he addressed them thus:
Dear friends, it is with joy that we welcome to St. Peters your distinguished group of leaders of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith 11
– Under Paul VI the suppression of the excommunication of the Freemasons was prepared. In August 1972 Cardinal Seper, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, communicated to Fr. Riquet S.J.:
“The interpretation of Canon 2335 restricting the excommunication to members of the associations that act against the Church can be admitted.”
Two years later Cardinal Seper addressed a letter to Msgr. Krol, president of the episcopal conference of the United States. Due to the large diversity of situations from country to country, the cardinal explained, the Holy See did not change the general legislation in force “until the new Code of Canon Law be published by the competent pontifical commission“. For particular cases the penal law “should always be interpreted restrictively” ; but, he continues :
“One can thus surely teach and apply the opinion of the authors saying that Canon 2335 concerns only the Catholics who are part of associations that act against the Church 12.”
c) Regarding the relations of Paul VI with Freemasonry:
Here is an excerpt from number 197 of the Lettres politiques by Jacques Ploncard d’Assac (reproduced in Itinéraires 305, pp. 166 ff.):
« Paris, June 1986 – The Italian Catholic review Chiesa Viva, in April 1986, published a letter by Fr. Rosario F. Esposito that plays an important role in the collusion with the Masonic lodges under the pontificate of Paul VI. This letter is addressed to the grand-master Gamberini and was published in Rivista massonica of August 6, 1978:
“My dear Gamberini,” Fr. Esposito very amicably begins. He reports to his correspondent that a Dominican, Fr. Felix A. Morlion, founder of the International University “Pro Deo“, confided to him that, speaking one day with then-monsignor Montini, regarding the relations between the Church and Freemasonry, Montini had told him: “In less than a generation, peace will be made between the two societies” (the Church and Freemasonry).
“Now that the Pontiff is deceased,” Fr. Esposito continued, “there is no reason to continue to keep the secret. And the prediction – I would say almost the decision – is fully verified: the meeting with Morlion must not have taken place before 1948-1950, the letter of the Holy Office to Cardinal Krol dated July 19, 1974, thus the terms of a generation were perfectly respected.
“Besides, Paul VI had, before even 1970, the occasion to bring other blows to the wall of Christian-Masonic enmity. The ‘acquiescence’ of the Vatican to the decision of the bishops of Scandinavia and Finland, according to which, converts from Protestantism, eventually enrolled in Masonry, would not be obliged to renounce it, but would be permitted to keep the two qualifications, Catholic and Masonic, dates from 1966 or 1968. For him who knew the total intransigence, always professed by the Church, of the absolute rejection of Masonry, the acceptance of the Scandinavian-Baltic thesis could not but appear in all its revolutionary character.
“Furthermore, regarding the behavior of Paul VI toward institutions that, in any manner, are linked to Masonry, one sees the same thing. Receiving the members of the “Rotary Club,” object of distrust and rejection on the part of the Vatican, Paul VI did not fear to recognize that the Church had fallen into an excessive mistrust: now the way of dialogue and mutual trust has been found.” »
Some documents concerning Paul VI
1. Letter from Msgr. Lefebvre to Paul VI
This letter has a preliminary remark:
“In response to that of Cardinal Baggio, prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Bishops, received July 10, 1976, ordering him to manifest to the Holy Father his regret for the ordinations done June 29. He gave him a deadline of ten days.”
« Most Holy Father,
All the means of access permitting me to come to Your Holiness being forbidden, may God make that this letter arrive and express our sentiments of profound veneration, and at the same time formulate with an instant plea the object of our most ardent desires that, alas! seem to be subject to dispute between the Holy See and numerous faithful Catholics.
Most Holy Father,
deign to manifest your will to see the reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ extend in this world by:
– restoring the public rights of the Church,
– rendering to the liturgy all its dogmatic value and its hierarchical expression,
– according to the Roman Latin Rite consecrated by many centuries of use,
– reestablishing the honor of the Vulgate, and
– restoring the catechisms to their true model, that of the Council of Trent.
Doing this, Your Holiness will restore the Catholic priesthood and the reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ over the people, families, and civil societies.
According to the example of your predecessors, it will render the correct conception of the false ideas that have become the idols of modern man: liberty, equality, fraternity, democracy.
May Your Holiness abandon the harmful enterprise of compromise with the ideas of modern man, an enterprise that originates from a secret agreement between the dignitaries of the Church and those of the Masonic lodges, since before the Council.
To maintain this orientation is to continue the destruction of the Church. Your Holiness will easily understand that we cannot collaborate in such a disastrous design, which we would do if we were to consent to closing our seminaries.
May the Holy Ghost deign to give Your Holiness the graces of the gift of strength, such that it manifests by unequivocal acts that you are truly and authentically the successor- of Peter proclaiming that there is salvation only in Jesus Christ and in His mystical spouse, the holy Roman Catholic Church.
And may God… ”
Marcel Lefebvre,
former Archbishop of Tulle.
Albano, July 17, 1976.
2. Msgr. Lefebvre’s assessment of Humanæ Vitæ of Paul VI
When one sees the time that Pope Paul VI allocated to solve the question of contraception, well! it is to despair of morality. It is finished, because there is no longer morality.
He appointed a commission for it, and this commission took more than two years (two and a half years 13) before responding to a question that the Christians, the poor Christians in the pew, could answer right away: they knew well that it was forbidden. You well know that one cannot have relations which prevent the conception of a child. They knew it well.
So it needed to wait two and a half years to have a response. During this time, well! evidently, the pill is spread everywhere. One asked himself: “Since no one has said anything, it is because he is free. What could be free, the pope could leave free.”
And then, behold, it is accomplished. There is no way back. Now look, the priests leave it entirely: “It is of no importance, you being free; one must judge according to his convictions.” 14
3. Excerpts from the Liber Accusationis of Abbé de Nantes
- “To believe in man, build the world, liberate the people, knock down tyrants, develop culture, and restore democracy. Paul is the prophet of this new age where all the religions, ceasing to oppose each other, comprise the Mouvement d’Animation Spirituelle de la Démocratie Universelle [Spiritual Animating Movement of Universal Democracy], the MASDU of Paul VI! […]”
- “I feel [this paternity] flowing out from me in concentric circles, and beyond the visible borders of the Church. I feel I am the father of the entire human family.” […]
- “So that the world goes well, Paul VI clearly conceived that he must be Pope, as De Gaulle saw that he must be Chairman.”
4. Declaration of Paul VI to the bishops assembled at the closing of the Council, December 7, 1965
“The religion of the God who became man has met the religion (for such it is) of man who makes himself God. And what happened? Was there a clash, a battle, a condemnation? There could have been, but there was none. The old story of the Samaritan has been the model of the spirituality of the council. A feeling of boundless sympathy has permeated the whole of it. The attention of our council has been absorbed by the discovery of human needs (and these needs grow in proportion to the greatness which the son of the earth claims for himself). But we call upon those who term themselves modern humanists, and who have renounced the transcendent value of the highest realities, to give the Council credit at least for one quality and to recognize our own new type of humanism: we, too, in fact, we more than any others, honor mankind 15.”
One can compare this declaration with the instructions St. Pius X gave in his first encyclical:
“We must use every means and exert all our energy to bring about the utter disappearance of the enormous and detestable wickedness, so characteristic of our time – the substitution of man for God 16.”
Freemasonry, whose goal is the destruction of the Catholic Church, promotes the worship of man. Hearing Paul VI, the Freemasons must have enjoyed their triumph. Is this not the actualization of the plans that they forged in the 19th century?
- Mgr Marcel Lefebvre, Le coup de maître de Satan – Écône face à la persécution, Martigny (Suisse), Éditions Saint-Gabriel, 1977, p. 23-24.
- Because the Anglican ordinations are invalid.
- End of quote of Archbishop Lefebvre.
- Albert Briault et Pierre Fautrad, Le ralliement de Rome à la Révolution, Bourg-le-Roi, Éditions Pierre Fautrad, 1978, p. 92-95.
- Father Luigi Villa was a spiritual son of Padre Pio, who gave him the mission to investigate the infiltration of Freemasonry in the Church.
- The text of the speech is available in Italian at:
- The Italian Gnostic Church was inspired by the Gnostic Church founded in France in 1880 by Jules Doinel.
- The Bibbia Concordata is a Bible published in 1968, directed by a group of Jewish, Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant biblical scholars of the Italian Biblical Society.
- Source: Fr. Luigi Villa, Paul VI Beatified?, p. 128.
- La Rivista Massonica n° 5, July 1978, p. 290.
- Source: Fr. Luigi Villa [p. 130];
- Letter from Cardinal Seper to Cardinal Krol, DC 1974, col. 856. See Bernard Lecomte, L’Église et les francs-maçons, Perrin, 2014; Hervé Hasquin, Les catholiques belges et la franc-maçonnerie: De la «rigidité Ratzinger» à la transgression?, editor Avant-Propos, 2013.
- [In fact, it took four years, which is much worse: from the discourse to the cardinals on June 23, 1962, to the encyclical Humanæ vitæ of July 25, 1968. Ed.]
- Msgr. Lefebvre, Conférence spirituelle à Écône, 21 February 1989. Full text in Le Sel de la terre 75 (2010).
- Paul VI, Address at the closing of the Council, December 7, 1965; DC n° 1462 (1966), col. 63-64.
- Saint. Pius X, Encyclical E Supremi Apostolatus.