Litany for Catholic vacations (holidays)

This litany for Catholic vacations has been composed for the use of parents. Meant for private recitation, it can be modified and adapted to the needs of each household.

It can equally encourage the making of concrete resolutions or lead, week after week, to a necessary examination of conscience. (Note: Click here to download the more printable and concise version).

Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us

Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, hear us

Christ, graciously hear us

God our Father in Heaven, have mercy on us

God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us

God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us

Holy Mary, pray for us

Saint Joseph, pray for us

Holy Family of Nazareth, help us

To sanctify ourselves during the vacations, Lord make us understand the need

To sanctify ourselves during the vacations, Lord give us a firm desire

To sanctify ourselves during the vacations, Lord give us the grace

To prepare spiritually for the vacations, Lord give us the grace

To understand the difficulties of this, Lord…

To centre them on the holy sacrifice of the Mass, Lord….

To frequent more than ever the sacrament of penance, Lord…..

To foresee a wise use of time, Lord……

To impose regular times for going to bed and for getting up, Lord….

To say morning prayers, often the most forgotten, Lord….

To make of the daily rosary a loving meditation, Lord…

To have, each evening, true contrition for our faults, Lord…..

To mix gentleness and firmness in the exercise of authority, Lord…

To make our children study during the vacations, Lord….

To maintain in their souls the sense of service and sacrifice, Lord…

To demand their help regularly, even when it seems easier and quicker to do everything ourselves, Lord….

To take time for study and serious reading ourselves, and to give the taste for it to our children, Lord….

To talk seriously to our children, Lord…

To speak with each one individually, Lord….

To reply properly to their questions, and above all to know how to give rise to good questions, Lord…

To be like children with our children, Lord…

To enter into their games with simplicity but without silliness and to always lift their souls, Lord….

To give them healthy occupations, Lord…

To adapt ourselves to the abilities and interests of each child but without ever leaving them totally to themselves, Lord…..

To carry calmly and lovingly the cross of constant supervision, Lord…

To inspire noble projects in the souls of our adolescents, Lord….

To encourage discreetly but firmly their perseverance, Lord…..

To supervise their friendships and their reading, Lord….

To protect them from mind-destroying games, Lord…

To always keep in mind the fear for the salvation of their souls, Lord..

To accept vexations, as coming from the hand of God, Lord…

To make our children accept them in the same way, Lord….

To bear with dignity and joyfully the problem of bad weather, Lord…

To never affront Christian modesty, Lord…

To avoid places that are morally polluted, Lord….

To refuse courageously to watch television, Lord…

To protect effectively our home against the fashions, music, images and influences of the world, Lord…

To make chastity loved there, Lord….

To make true Christian joy reign there, Lord….

To perceive throughout creation your glory and your goodness, Lord…..

To appreciate the masterpieces of our Christian civilisation, Lord…

To know how to make beauty admired, Lord….

To often sing as a family, Lord…

To live in your presence both in the humblest occupations and in the most absorbing, Lord…

From the snares of the devil, Lord protect our family

From the spirit of the world, Lord protect our family

From the spirit of independence, Lord protect our family

From the spirit of sensual pleasure, Lord…..

From the spirit of mockery, Lord….

From the spirit of over-excitement, Lord…

From the seductions of radio and television, Lord…..

From weakness and laziness, Lord….

From stupidity and the pervading vulgarity, Lord…

From ugly and brutalising images, Lord…

From the loss of the meaning of effort, Lord…

From casualness in dress and behaviour, Lord..

From the sadness of a day without sacrifice, Lord…

From the abdication of responsibility, Lord…..

Lamb of God Who takest away the sins of the world, spare us O Lord

Lamb of God Who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us O Lord

Lamb of God Who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us

Litany composed by Le Sel de la terre

And inspired by similar Litany composed for young men and ladies by

Alain MUS (“Litanies pour les vacances”)