Letter from the Dominicans of Avrillé
No. 28: May 2018
Chrismal Mass at the Friary (Holy Thursday)
Christian Vacation: a Few Tips
“¢ God is never on vacation, because He is Pure Act. “My Father worketh until now, and I work” (John 5:17). Therefore, there should not be any “vacation” in our relations with Him. When one truly loves God, vacation time is not an occasion to diminish our love for Him, nor for our neighbor.
“¢ There’s no vacation when it comes to education, either. Parents are still charged with the task of watching over their children, helping them, and supporting them. They must take advantage of vacations to spend more time with their children, according to their possibilities, and reinforce family life. That means taking the time to talk, live, and pray together.
It can be beneficial to send the children on a good summer camp (when possible), provided that the parents also fulfill their duty to spend time with their children.
“¢ Determine a schedule for rising and going to bed.
–morning: Set a time for rising relatively early (rising late softens the body and weakens the will); say morning prayers as a family.
–evening: banish all screens, which impede relations between family members; say night prayers together, and set a time for going to bed.
“¢ Make a schedule. For example:
–morning: a time for reading (catechism, lives of the saints, history…)
–afternoon: wholesome activities such as games outside with the participation of the parents as well as the children; excursions to learn about your region, its history, its traditions (that may require a bit of preparation); long nature walks to contemplate, admire and learn more about the plants and animals of the area, observe the stars… Stay away from beaches that are a danger for morals.
It’s important that during all these activities, the parents and children be together as much as possible. For a mother to stay in the house in order to “get things done,” while sending the children to play outside without taking an interest in what they’re doing, can be a double fault: not supervising the children, and not making them participate in household chores. “There’s more joy in giving than in receiving.”
Adults: beware of letting children of all ages, boys and girls mixed together, play together unsupervised, so the adults can be at peace. Alas! How many tragedies are discovered afterwards, when it’s too late!
“¢ Don’t forget regular confession, and going to Mass more often, when it’s possible.
Community Chronicle
January 12th: Father Reginald is in Saint-Malo-du-Bois (Vendee region) with the Knights of Our Lady for a formation session.
Candlemas procession in the cloister
February 5th: Fathers Innocent-Marie and Terence visit Schola Nova, a school in Belgium where spoken Latin is taught successfully, from the primary grades to high school.
At the Friary, the Student Brothers and seminarians undergo three days of exams.
February 24th: Bishop Zendejas celebrates a Pontifical High Mass for the Tonsure and First Minor Orders (Porter and Lector) for several seminarians and the Second Minor Orders (Exorcist and Acolyte) for our Brother Agostinho (Brazil). The following Sunday, His Excellency gives a conference for the faithful on the situation of Tradition in the U.S.
Tonsure and Minor Orders : Feb. 24th
March 2nd: On the eve of the first Saturday of the month, the pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima that visited our region in 2017 is permanently installed in Saint Dominic’s Oratory (the chapel connected to the vestibule of the Friary Church). Her presence among us will be a constant reminder of the urgency of the message of Fatima, last remedy given by Heaven to save the world, especially from the danger of communism (global socialism). Thanks to the generosity of the faithful, a second pilgrim statue was also acquired, so that Our Lady may continue to visit the families of the parish.
March 24th: Fathers Louis-Marie and Angelico are in Paris to represent the Friary at the annual “Reality Fair” [“Fête du Pays Réel”]. This gathering organized by the Catholic nationalist organization “Civitas,” brings people from all over France to meet writers, artists, activists, clergy, and religious communities who make up the “real world.”
March 29th-April 1st: Easter Triduum. With the help of the seminarians, a few visiting priests (and two Bishops!), the Triduum ceremonies were celebrated with particular solemnity. For the third year in a row, we were blessed to have a Chrismal Mass.
At the same time, Father Reginald was in Brazil helping Bishop Thomas Aquinas provide the Holy Week ceremonies to the faithful.
April 2nd-8th: Father Marie-Dominique is in Saint-Malo-du-Bois (Vendee region) preaching the annual retreat for the Sisters of Our Lady Co-Redemptrix.
April 8th-14th: Annual trip to Rome for the seniors of St. Thomas Boys’ School, accompanied by Father Hyacinthe-Marie.
April 12th-16th: Trip to the U.S. for Fathers Angelico and Marie-Laurent. After a short stop in New York visiting with Bishop Zendejas, the Fathers preach a day of recollection for the faithful at St. Joseph’s Mission in Emmet, Kansas. On Sunday: High Mass followed by a potluck and conference, with a get-together for the tertiaries in the afternoon.
May 1st: At the end of a week-long retreat, our three postulants receive the habit of the order: Brother Gabriel (Timothy, from Arizona), Brother Pie-Marie (Louis, from France) and Brother Marie-Thomas (Nicolas, from France, former student of St. Thomas Boys’ School).
One of the postulants receiving his new name
News from our worksites
Thanks to the expert help of a parishioner, we were able to greatly reduce the construction costs for the new Parish Hall. What’s more, the new blueprints are even better adapted to our needs than before. However, that has involved a few delays… Hopefully in the next newsletter we will finally be able to show some pictures of the progress of the worksite. At the Priory (St. Thomas Boys’ School), the arched gate of the main entrance had to be renovated after severe damage due to age and weather. The stones overhead had become dislodged from the mortar, and there was a risk of collapse.
Renovation of arched entryway
Crisis in the Church:
Pope honors pro-abortion activist
The Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great was created in 1831 by Pope Gregory XVI in order to honor certain people for their personal dedication and self-sacrifice to the cause of the Holy See and the Roman Catholic Church.
It’s “surprising,” therefore, to see that last January, membership of this prestigious order was granted to Mrs. Liliane Ploumen, former Dutch minister of Commerce, who is particularly active in the worldwide propagation of abortion and LGBT associations. She specified to the press that her pro-abortion activism was not mentioned during the ceremony of decoration, but seeing that she had been congratulated for her role in developing “resources in society,” she sees that as a “confirmation of what [she’s] doing for young women, for abortion.” (Medias-Catholique.Info n°18 – week of January 18th, 2018)
Masonic grip on the Vatican
In February, 2017, Pope Francis named Mr. Peter Sutherland president of the International Catholic Commission on Migrations, and counselor to the Administration of the Heritage of the Holy See.
Sutherland, an active member of the directing committee of the Bilderberg Group, and of the European section of the Trilateral Commission, was also president of Goldman Sachs International from 2005 to 2015:
– Goldman Sachs International is an invisible empire worth 700 billion euros (six times the annual budget of France); a money empire “over which the Sun never sets,” constituting a power over and above governments. It doesn’t matter whether the Pope is a conscious agent or just being manipulated. The result of these tight links with the “One World Order” is a perfect alignment between Vatican policy and the freemasonic, humanistic, globalist universalism which is working toward the dissolution of nations and cultures, to welcome migrants from all over the world with the goal of constructing a new multi-cultural, multi-religious world without boundaries: the world of the Anti-Christ. (Medias-Catholique.Info n° 16, week of January 4th, 2018)
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Dominicans of Avrillé, Inc.
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For more information :
Couvent de la Haye-aux-Bonshommes
49240 Avrillé, France